Line # Revision Author
1 8 <%once>
3 my @attypes = ( 'multimedia_new', 'image', 'images', 'audio' );
5 </%once>
6 <%args>
8 $object => undef
9 $source => undef
11 </%args>
12 <%init>
14 return unless ref $object;
15 return unless ref $source;
17 my @properties = $source->structure();
18 for (0..$#properties) {
19 my $prop = $properties[$_];
20 my $name = $prop->{attr};
21 my $type = $prop->{type};
22 next unless grep { $_ eq $type } @attypes;
23 my $attachment = $source->get_image( $name );
24 warn "\nClone: $type | $name\n" if $DEBUG;
25 if (ref $attachment) {
26 if ( $prop->{type} eq 'image' ) {
27 ## Отдельная картинка
28 ##############################################################
29 if ( exists $attachment->{filename} ) {
30 my $img;
31 my $source_name;
32 my $ext;
33 my $new_name = '/images/'.$object->get_file_name();
34 warn "Clone img put from: $source_name to $new_name.$ext\n" if $DEBUG;
35 my $stored = 0;
36 foreach my $source ( @{ $state->{files_dir} } ) {
37 $source_name = $source.$attachment->{filename};
38 $ext = $1 if $source_name =~ /\.(\w+)$/;
39 $stored = Contenido::File::store ($new_name.'.'.$ext, $source_name);
40 last if $stored;
41 }
42 if ( $stored ) {
43 $img = {
44 filename => $new_name.'.'.$ext,
45 width => $attachment->{width},
46 height => $attachment->{height},
47 alt => $attachment->{alt},
48 atext => $attachment->{atext} };
49 if ( exists $attachment->{mini} ) {
50 my $source_mini;
51 my $main_size = $attachment->{mini}{width}.'x'.$attachment->{mini}{height};
52 my $mini_name = $new_name.'.'.$main_size;
53 my $stored = 0;
54 foreach my $source ( @{ $state->{files_dir} } ) {
55 $source_mini = $source.$attachment->{mini}{filename};
56 $stored = Contenido::File::store ($mini_name.'.'.$ext, $source_mini);
57 last if $stored;
58 }
59 if ( $stored ) {
60 $img->{mini} = {
61 filename => $mini_name.'.'.$ext,
62 width => $attachment->{mini}{width},
63 height => $attachment->{mini}{height},
64 };
65 $img->{mini}->{$main_size} = {
66 filename => $mini_name.'.'.$ext,
67 width => $attachment->{mini}{width},
68 height => $attachment->{mini}{height},
69 };
70 }
71 foreach my $key ( keys %{ $attachment->{mini} } ) {
72 next if $key =~ /file|width|height/;
73 next if $key eq $main_size;
74 my $source_mini;
75 my $size = $attachment->{mini}{$key}{width}.'x'.$attachment->{mini}{$key}{height};
76 my $mini_name = $new_name.'.'.$size;
77 my $stored = 0;
78 foreach my $source ( @{ $state->{files_dir} } ) {
79 $source_mini = $source.$attachment->{mini}{$key}{filename};
80 $stored = Contenido::File::store ($mini_name.'.'.$ext, $source_mini);
81 last if $stored;
82 }
83 if ( $stored ) {
84 $img->{mini}->{$key} = {
85 filename => $mini_name.'.'.$ext,
86 width => $attachment->{mini}{$key}{width},
87 height => $attachment->{mini}{$key}{height},
88 };
89 }
90 }
91 }
92 }
93 640 ahitrov $object->$name( $img );
94 8 warn "\nClone img complete: ".Dumper($img)."\n" if $DEBUG;
95 }
96 } elsif ( $prop->{type} eq 'images' ) {
97 ## Куча картинков
98 ##############################################################
99 my $PICTURE;
100 for ( 1 .. $attachment->{maxnumber} ) {
101 my $picture = 'image_'.$_;
102 if ( exists $attachment->{$picture}{filename} ) {
103 my $img;
104 my $source_name = $state->{files_dir}->[0].$attachment->{$picture}{filename};
105 my $ext = $1 if $source_name =~ /\.(\w+)$/;
106 my $new_name = '/images/'.$object->get_file_name();
107 warn "Clone pics put from: $source_name to $new_name.$ext\n" if $DEBUG;
108 if ( Contenido::File::store ($new_name.'.'.$ext, $source_name) ) {
109 $img = {
110 filename => $new_name.'.'.$ext,
111 width => $attachment->{$picture}{width},
112 height => $attachment->{$picture}{height},
113 alt => $attachment->{$picture}{alt},
114 atext => $attachment->{$picture}{atext} };
115 if ( exists $attachment->{$picture}{mini} ) {
116 my $source_mini = $state->{files_dir}->[0].$attachment->{$picture}{mini}{filename};
117 my $main_size = $attachment->{$picture}{mini}{width}.'x'.$attachment->{$picture}{mini}{height};
118 my $mini_name = $new_name.'.'.$main_size;
119 if ( Contenido::File::store ($mini_name.'.'.$ext, $source_mini) ) {
120 $img->{mini} = {
121 filename => $mini_name.'.'.$ext,
122 width => $attachment->{$picture}{mini}{width},
123 height => $attachment->{$picture}{mini}{height},
124 };
125 $img->{mini}->{$main_size} = {
126 filename => $mini_name.'.'.$ext,
127 width => $attachment->{$picture}{mini}{width},
128 height => $attachment->{$picture}{mini}{height},
129 };
130 }
131 foreach my $key ( keys %{ $attachment->{$picture}{mini} } ) {
132 next if $key =~ /file|width|height/;
133 next if $key eq $main_size;
134 my $source_mini = $state->{files_dir}->[0].$attachment->{$picture}{mini}{$key}{filename};
135 my $size = $attachment->{$picture}{mini}{$key}{width}.'x'.$attachment->{$picture}{mini}{$key}{height};
136 my $mini_name = $new_name.'.'.$size;
137 if ( Contenido::File::store ($mini_name.'.'.$ext, $source_mini) ) {
138 $img->{mini}->{$key} = {
139 filename => $mini_name.'.'.$ext,
140 width => $attachment->{$picture}{mini}{$key}{width},
141 height => $attachment->{$picture}{mini}{$key}{height},
142 };
143 }
144 }
145 }
146 }
147 $PICTURE->{$picture} = $img;
148 }
150 }
151 if ( $attachment->{maxnumber} ) {
152 $PICTURE->{maxnumber} = $attachment->{maxnumber};
153 640 ahitrov $object->$name( $PICTURE );
154 8 }
155 warn "\nClone pics complete: ".Dumper($PICTURE)."\n" if $DEBUG;
156 } elsif ( $prop->{type} eq 'multimedia_new' ) {
157 ## Произвольный бинарник
158 ##############################################################
159 if ( exists $attachment->{filename} ) {
160 my $img;
161 my $source_name = $state->{files_dir}->[0].$attachment->{filename};
162 my $ext = $1 if $source_name =~ /\.(\w+)$/;
163 my $new_name = '/images/'.$object->get_file_name();
164 if ( Contenido::File::store ($new_name.'.'.$ext, $source_name) ) {
165 $img = {
166 filename => $new_name.'.'.$ext,
167 atext => $attachment->{atext}
168 };
169 }
170 640 ahitrov $object->$name( $img );
171 8 warn "\nClone binary complete: ".Dumper($img)."\n" if $DEBUG;
172 }
173 }
174 }
175 }
178 </%init>