Line # Revision Author
1 22 tinyMCE.addI18n('en.advanced',{
2 style_select:"Styles",
3 font_size:"Font size",
4 fontdefault:"Font family",
5 block:"Format",
6 paragraph:"Paragraph",
7 div:"Div",
8 address:"Address",
9 pre:"Preformatted",
10 h1:"Heading 1",
11 h2:"Heading 2",
12 h3:"Heading 3",
13 h4:"Heading 4",
14 h5:"Heading 5",
15 h6:"Heading 6",
16 blockquote:"Blockquote",
17 code:"Code",
18 samp:"Code sample",
19 dt:"Definition term ",
20 dd:"Definition description",
21 bold_desc:"Bold (Ctrl+B)",
22 italic_desc:"Italic (Ctrl+I)",
23 underline_desc:"Underline (Ctrl+U)",
24 striketrough_desc:"Strikethrough",
25 justifyleft_desc:"Align left",
26 justifycenter_desc:"Align center",
27 justifyright_desc:"Align right",
28 justifyfull_desc:"Align full",
29 bullist_desc:"Unordered list",
30 numlist_desc:"Ordered list",
31 outdent_desc:"Outdent",
32 indent_desc:"Indent",
33 undo_desc:"Undo (Ctrl+Z)",
34 redo_desc:"Redo (Ctrl+Y)",
35 link_desc:"Insert/edit link",
36 unlink_desc:"Unlink",
37 image_desc:"Insert/edit image",
38 cleanup_desc:"Cleanup messy code",
39 code_desc:"Edit HTML Source",
40 sub_desc:"Subscript",
41 sup_desc:"Superscript",
42 hr_desc:"Insert horizontal ruler",
43 removeformat_desc:"Remove formatting",
44 custom1_desc:"Your custom description here",
45 forecolor_desc:"Select text color",
46 backcolor_desc:"Select background color",
47 charmap_desc:"Insert custom character",
48 visualaid_desc:"Toggle guidelines/invisible elements",
49 anchor_desc:"Insert/edit anchor",
50 cut_desc:"Cut",
51 copy_desc:"Copy",
52 paste_desc:"Paste",
53 image_props_desc:"Image properties",
54 newdocument_desc:"New document",
55 help_desc:"Help",
56 blockquote_desc:"Blockquote",
57 clipboard_msg:"Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\r\nDo you want more information about this issue?",
58 path:"Path",
59 newdocument:"Are you sure you want clear all contents?",
60 toolbar_focus:"Jump to tool buttons - Alt+Q, Jump to editor - Alt-Z, Jump to element path - Alt-X",
61 more_colors:"More colors"
62 });