// This list may be created by a server logic page PHP/ASP/ASPX/JSP in some backend system. // There images will be displayed as a dropdown in all image dialogs if the "external_link_image_url" // option is defined in TinyMCE init. var tinyMCEImageList = new Array( // Name, URL <% join(',', @imgstr) %> ); <%args> $class => undef $id => undef <%init> return unless $class && $id; my $document = $keeper->get_document_by_id ( $id, class => $class ); return unless ref $document; my @images; my @props = grep { $_->{type} eq 'images' || $_->{type} eq 'image' } $document->structure; foreach my $prop ( @props ) { if ( $prop->{type} eq 'images' ) { my $images = $document->get_image($prop->{attr}); if ( ref $images && exists $images->{maxnumber} && $images->{maxnumber} ) { for ( 1..$images->{maxnumber} ) { my $image = $images->{"image_$_"}; if ( ref $image && exists $image->{filename} ) { my $img_path = ($state->{images_dir} =~ /^http:/ ? $state->{images_dir} : '').($image->{filename} =~ /^\// ? '' : '/').$image->{filename}; my $name = $image->{alt} || $prop->{attr}.": image_$_"; $name =~ s/"/\\"/g; push @images, { url => $img_path, name => $name, mini => (exists $image->{mini} ? $image->{mini} : undef) }; } } } } else { my $image = $document->get_image($prop->{attr}); if ( ref $image && exists $image->{filename} ) { my $img_path = ($state->{images_dir} =~ /^http:/ ? $state->{images_dir} : '').($image->{filename} =~ /^\// ? '' : '/').$image->{filename}; my $name = $image->{alt} || $document->name.' ('.$prop->{attr}.')'; $name =~ s/"/\\"/g; push @images, { url => $img_path, name => $name, mini => (exists $image->{mini} ? $image->{mini} : undef) }; } } } return unless @images; my $comma = 0; my @imgstr; foreach my $img ( @images ) { push @imgstr, '["'.$img->{name}.'","'.$img->{url}.'"]'; if ( exists $img->{mini} && ref $img->{mini} eq 'HASH' ) { while ( my ($dim, $mini) = each %{$img->{mini}} ) { next unless ref $mini eq 'HASH' && exists $mini->{filename}; push @imgstr, '["'.$img->{name}.'. Mini: '.$dim.'","'.$mini->{filename}.'"]'; } } }