package Contenido::Parser::RSS; use strict; use warnings; use locale; use base 'Contenido::Parser'; use Contenido::Globals; use Utils::HTML; use Time::ParseDate; #use Date::Parse; use Data::Dumper; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); #use Class::Date; use Encode; use utf8; my @INVALID_TAGS = qw ( A ABBREV ACRONYM ADDRESS APP APPLET AREA AU B BANNER BASE BASEFONT BDO BGSOUND BIG BLINK BLOCKQUOTE BODY BQ BR CAPTION CENTER CITE CODE COL COLGROUP CREDIT DD DEL DFN DIR DIV DL DT EM FN FIG FONT FORM FRAME FRAMESET H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 HP HR I IMG INPUT INS ISINDEX KBD LANG LH LI LISTING MAP MARQUEE MENU META NEXTID NOBR NOEMBED NOFRAMES NOTE OL OPTION OVERLAY P PARAM PERSON PLAINTEXT PRE Q S SAMP SELECT SMALL SPAN STRIKE STRONG SUB SUP TAB TABLE TBODY TD TEXTAREA TFOOT TH THEAD TR TT U UL VAR WBR XMP EMBED ); sub new { my ($proto) = @_; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub parse { my ($self, %opts) = @_; my $content; if ( $opts{content} ) { $content = delete $opts{content}; delete $self->{content}; } elsif ( $self->{success} || $self->{content} ) { $content = delete $self->{content}; } else { $self->{success} = 0; return $self; } my $base_url = delete $self->{base_url} || delete $opts{base_url}; my $allow_global_fulltext = delete $opts{allow_fulltext} || 0; my $content_global_type = delete $opts{content_type} || 1; my $debug = $DEBUG; my $gui = delete $opts{gui}; my $preserve_tags = delete $opts{preserve_tags} || 0; my $description_as_fulltext = delete $opts{description_as_fulltext}; warn "Parser Rools: [".$opts{parser_rss}."]\n" if $debug && $opts{parser_rss}; my $rss_rools = $self->__parse_rools (delete $opts{parser_rss}); warn "RSS Rools: ".Dumper ($rss_rools) if $debug && $rss_rools; my @items; my $feed = $self->__parse_content(\$content, preserve_tags => $preserve_tags); if ( ref $feed eq 'ARRAY' ) { foreach my $item ( @$feed ) { my $fulltext_field; my $content_type = $content_global_type; my $allow_fulltext = $allow_global_fulltext; $self->__check_rewrite ( item => $item, rools => $rss_rools ); my $date = $self->__parse_date($item->{pubdate}); my $pubdate = Contenido::DateTime->new( epoch => $date ); # $pubdate = $pubdate->ymd('-').' '.$pubdate->hms; next if ref $item->{title}; next if ref $item->{description}; $self->__check_ignore ( item => $item, rools => $rss_rools ); $self->__check_only ( item => $item, rools => $rss_rools ); $item->{title} = $self->__field_prepare ($item->{title}); $self->__check_filter ( gui => $gui, field => 'title', item => $item, rools => $rss_rools ); my $title = $item->{title}; my $link; if ( ref $item->{link} eq 'HASH' ) { if ( ( (exists $item->{link}{type} && $item->{link}{type} eq 'text/html') || !exists $item->{link}{type} ) && exists $item->{link}{href} ) { $link = $item->{link}{href}; } } elsif ( ref $item->{link} eq 'ARRAY' ) { foreach my $lnk ( @{ $item->{link} } ) { if ( ref $lnk ) { if ( ( (exists $lnk->{type} && $lnk->{type} eq 'text/html') || !exists $lnk->{type} ) && exists $lnk->{href} ) { $link = $lnk->{href}; } } else { $link = $lnk; last; } } } else { $link = $item->{'link'} || (ref $item->{'url'} eq 'ARRAY' ? $item->{'url'}->[0] : $item->{'url'}); } $link = $self->__field_prepare ($link); $link = $base_url.($link =~ m|^/| ? '' : '/' ).$link if $base_url && ($link !~ /^http:/); $item->{description} = encode('utf-8', $self->__field_prepare (decode('utf-8', $item->{description}))); $self->__check_filter ( gui => $gui, field => 'description', item => $item, rools => $rss_rools ); my %image_href; my $description = $item->{description}; if ( exists $item->{'rambler:fulltext'} && $item->{'rambler:fulltext'} ) { $allow_fulltext = 1; } my $fulltext; if ( $description_as_fulltext ) { $fulltext = $description; $fulltext_field = 'description' } else { if ( $gui ) { foreach my $field ( qw( rambler:fulltext rambler:full-text yandex:full-text mailru:full-text content:encoded full-text fulltext text ) ) { if ( exists $item->{$field} && $item->{$field} ) { $fulltext_field = $field; $fulltext = $item->{$field}; last; } } } else { $fulltext = $item->{'rambler:fulltext'} || $item->{'rambler:full-text'} || $item->{'yandex:full-text'} || $item->{'mailru:full-text'} || $item->{'content:encoded'} || $item->{'full-text'} || $item->{'fulltext'} || $item->{'text'}; } if ( ref $fulltext eq 'HASH') { my @values = values %$fulltext; if ( scalar @values == 1 ) { $fulltext = $values[0]; } } if ( ref $fulltext eq 'ARRAY' ) { $fulltext = join "\n", @$fulltext; } $self->__check_filter ( gui => $gui, field => 'fulltext', item => $item, text => \$fulltext, rools => $rss_rools ); $fulltext = $self->__field_prepare ($fulltext); } if ( $fulltext && !$description ) { $item->{description} = Utils::HTML::limit_words ( $fulltext, 150, 300 ); $self->__check_filter ( gui => $gui, field => 'description', item => $item, rools => $rss_rools ); $description = $item->{description}; } $allow_fulltext = 0 unless $fulltext; my $author; if ( exists $item->{author} && $item->{author} ) { if ( ref $item->{author} eq 'HASH' && exists $item->{author}{name} ) { $author = $item->{author}{name}; } elsif ( !ref $item->{author} ) { $author = $item->{author}; } } my $category = []; if ( exists $item->{category} && ref $item->{category} eq 'ARRAY' ) { $category = $item->{category}; } elsif ( exists $item->{category} ) { $category = [$item->{category}]; } my @images; if ( exists $item->{image} || exists $item->{enclosure} ) { my @src = ref $item->{image} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $item->{image} } : ( $item->{image} ) if exists $item->{image}; my @att = ref $item->{enclosure} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $item->{enclosure} } : ( $item->{enclosure} ) if exists $item->{enclosure}; @att = grep { ref $_ eq 'HASH' && $_->{type} =~ /image/ } @att; @images = map { my $img = $_; $img->{src} = $base_url.($img->{src} =~ m|^/| ? '' : '/').$img->{src} unless $img->{src} =~ /^http:/; $img; } map { {src => $_->{url}, $_->{width} ? (width => $_->{width}) : (), $_->{height} ? (height => $_->{height}) : (), $_->{title} ? (title => $_->{title}) : ()} } grep { ref $_ eq 'HASH' && exists $_->{url} } @src, @att; } my @videos; if ( exists $item->{video} || exists $item->{enclosure} ) { my @src = ref $item->{video} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $item->{video} } : ( $item->{video} ) if exists $item->{video}; my @att = ref $item->{enclosure} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $item->{enclosure} } : ( $item->{enclosure} ) if exists $item->{enclosure}; @att = grep { ref $_ eq 'HASH' && $_->{type} =~ /video/ } @att; @videos = map { {src => $_->{url}, $_->{type} ? (type => $_->{type}) : (), $_->{title} ? (title => $_->{title}) : (), $_->{width} ? (width => $_->{width}) : (), $_->{height} ? (height => $_->{height}) : ()} } grep { ref $_ eq 'HASH' && exists $_->{url} } @src, @att; } my @audios; if ( exists $item->{audio} || exists $item->{enclosure} ) { my @src = ref $item->{audio} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $item->{audio} } : ( $item->{audio} ) if exists $item->{audio}; my @att = ref $item->{enclosure} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $item->{enclosure} } : ( $item->{enclosure} ) if exists $item->{enclosure}; @att = grep { ref $_ eq 'HASH' && $_->{type} =~ /audio/ } @att; @audios = map { {src => $_->{url}, $_->{type} ? (type => $_->{type}) : (), $_->{title} ? (title => $_->{title}) : ()} } grep { ref $_ eq 'HASH' && exists $_->{url} } @src, @att; } my ($video_url, $audio_url); if ( $content_type == 2 || @videos || exists $item->{'videourl'} || exists $item->{'video_url'} ) { $video_url = exists $item->{video} && ref $item->{video} eq 'HASH' && exists $item->{video}{url} ? $item->{video}{url} : $item->{'videourl'} || $item->{'video_url'} || ($item->{'guid'} && $item->{'guid'} =~ /^http:/ ? $item->{'guid'} : undef) || (exists $item->{'link'} && ref $item->{'link'} eq 'HASH' ? $item->{'link'}{'href'} || $item->{'link'}{'url'} : $item->{'link'} ); $content_type = 2; } if ( @audios || exists $item->{'audiourl'} || exists $item->{'audio_url'} ) { $audio_url = exists $item->{audio} && ref $item->{audio} eq 'HASH' && exists $item->{audio}{url} ? $item->{audio}{url} : $item->{'audiourl'} || $item->{'audio_url'}; $content_type = 2; } my $related = []; if ( exists $item->{'rambler:related'} && $item->{'rambler:related'} ) { if ( ref $item->{'rambler:related'} eq 'ARRAY' ) { foreach my $relitem ( @{ $item->{'rambler:related'} } ) { my $rel = $self->__parse_related ( $relitem ); push @$related, $rel if ref $rel; } } elsif ( ref $item->{'rambler:related'} eq 'HASH' ) { my $rel = $self->__parse_related ( $item->{'rambler:related'} ); push @$related, $rel if ref $rel; } } @videos = grep { exists $_->{type} && lc($_->{type}) eq 'video/x-flv' && $_->{src} =~ /\.flv$/i } @videos; my @inlined_images; for ( $description, $fulltext ) { next unless $_; my $field = $_; while ( $field =~ /]+)>/sgi ) { my $image = $self->__parse_params( $1 ); push @inlined_images, $image if ref $image && exists $image->{src} && $image->{src}; } while ( $field =~ /]+)>/sgi ) { my $anchor = $self->__parse_params( $1 ); if ( $anchor->{href} && $anchor->{href} =~ /\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$/ ) { push @inlined_images, { src => $anchor->{href} }; } } } if ( @inlined_images ) { my %images = map { $_->{src} => $_ } @images, @inlined_images; @images = values %images; } push @items, { 'checksum' => md5_hex(encode_utf8(($title || '').($description || ''))), 'ignore' => $item->{ignore} || 0, 'title' => $title || '', 'title_gui' => $item->{title_gui} || $title || '', 'description' => $description || '', 'description_gui' => $item->{description_gui} || $description || '', 'desc_length' => length( $description || '' ), 'link' => $link || '', 'pubdate' => $pubdate || '', 'fulltext' => $fulltext || '', 'fulltext_gui' => $item->{fulltext_gui} || '', 'fulltext_field' => $fulltext_field || '', 'image' => @images ? $images[0] : undef, 'images' => @images ? \@images : undef, 'video' => @videos ? $videos[0] : undef, 'videos' => @videos ? \@videos : undef, 'categories' => $category, 'video_url' => $video_url || '', 'audio_url' => $audio_url || '', 'author' => $author || '', 'related' => $related, 'content_type' => $content_type, 'allow_fulltext' => $allow_fulltext, }; } } else { warn ($@ || 'Something wrong while parsing content'); return $self->is_success(0); } $self->{items} = \@items; return $self->is_success(1); } sub __check_rewrite { my ($self, %opts) = @_; my $item = $opts{item}; return unless ref $item; return unless ref $opts{rools} eq 'ARRAY'; my @rools = grep { $_->{action} eq 'rewrite' } @{ $opts{rools} }; return unless @rools; foreach my $rool ( @rools ) { my $field = $rool->{target}; my $value = $rool->{condition}; if ( $value eq 'CURRENT_DATETIME' ) { my $dt = DateTime->now( time_zone => "Europe/Moscow" ); $value = $dt->ymd('-').'T'.$dt->hms.' MSK'; } $item->{$field} = $value if exists $item->{$field}; } } sub __check_filter { my ($self, %opts) = @_; my $field = $opts{field}; my $gui = $opts{gui}; my $item = $opts{item}; my $text = exists $opts{text} ? $opts{text} : undef; return unless ref $item; return unless exists $opts{text} || exists $item->{$field}; return unless ref $opts{rools} eq 'ARRAY'; my @rools = grep { $_->{action} eq 'filter' && $_->{target} eq $field } @{ $opts{rools} }; return unless @rools; foreach my $rool ( @rools ) { if ( $rool->{command} eq 'cut' ) { my $condition = $rool->{condition}; if ( $rool->{subcommand} eq 'off' ) { if ( $opts{gui} ) { my $field_gui = $item->{$field."_gui"} || (exists $opts{text} ? $$text : $item->{$field}); $field_gui =~ s/($condition)/$1<\/b>/sgi; $item->{$field."_gui"} = $field_gui; } if ( exists $opts{text} ) { $$text =~ s/$condition//sgi; } else { $item->{$field} =~ s/$condition//sgi; } } elsif ( $rool->{subcommand} eq 'from' ) { if ( $gui ) { my $cut_text = ''; my $field_gui = $item->{$field."_gui"} || (exists $opts{text} ? $$text : $item->{$field}); my $pos = index $field_gui, $condition; if ( $pos >= 0 ) { $cut_text = substr $field_gui, $pos, -1; $field_gui = substr $field_gui, 0, $pos; } # $field_gui =~ s/($condition)(.*)$/$1$2<\/b>/si; $item->{$field."_gui"} = $field_gui.''.$cut_text.''; } if ( exists $opts{text} ) { my $pos = index $$text, $condition; if ( $pos >= 0 ) { $$text = substr $$text, 0, $pos; } } else { my $pos = index $item->{$field}, $condition; if ( $pos >= 0 ) { $item->{$field} = substr $item->{$field}, 0, $pos; } } } elsif ( $rool->{subcommand} eq 'till' ) { if ( $opts{gui} ) { my $field_gui = $item->{$field."_gui"} || (exists $opts{text} ? $$text : $item->{$field}); $field_gui =~ s/^(.*?)($condition)/$1$2<\/b>/si; $item->{$field."_gui"} = $field_gui; } if ( exists $opts{text} ) { $$text =~ s/^(.*?)($condition)//si; } else { $item->{$field} =~ s/^(.*?)($condition)//si; } } elsif ( $rool->{subcommand} eq 'untill' ) { if ( $opts{gui} ) { my $field_gui = $item->{$field."_gui"} || (exists $opts{text} ? $$text : $item->{$field}); $field_gui =~ s/^(.*?)($condition)/$1<\/b>$2/si; $item->{$field."_gui"} = $field_gui; } if ( exists $opts{text} ) { $$text =~ s/^(.*?)($condition)/$2/si; } else { $item->{$field} =~ s/^(.*?)($condition)/$2/si; } } elsif ( $rool->{subcommand} eq 'regex' ) { if ( $opts{gui} ) { my $field_gui = $item->{$field."_gui"} || (exists $opts{text} ? $$text : $item->{$field}); if ( substr($condition,0,1) eq '^' ) { my $cond = reverse($condition); chop($cond); $cond = reverse($cond); $field_gui =~ s/^($cond)/$1<\/b>/si; } elsif ( substr($condition,-1,1) eq '$' ) { my $cond = $condition; chop($cond); $field_gui =~ s/($cond)$/$1<\/b>/si; } else { $field_gui =~ s/($condition)/$1<\/b>/sgi; } $item->{$field."_gui"} = $field_gui; } if ( exists $opts{text} ) { $$text =~ s/$condition//sgi; } else { $item->{$field} =~ s/$condition//sgi; } } } elsif ( $rool->{command} eq 'regex' ) { my $from = $rool->{condition}{from}; my $to = $rool->{condition}{to}; if ( exists $opts{text} ) { eval ("\$\$text =~ s/$from/$to/sgi"); } else { eval ("\$item->{\$field} =~ s/$from/$to/sgi"); } } } } sub __check_ignore { my ($self, %opts) = @_; my $item = $opts{item}; return unless ref $item; return unless ref $opts{rools} eq 'ARRAY'; my @rools = grep { $_->{action} eq 'ignore' } @{ $opts{rools} }; return unless @rools; foreach my $rool ( @rools ) { my $target = $rool->{target}; if ( $rool->{command} =~ /^contain/ ) { $item->{ignore} = 1 if index (lc($item->{$target}), lc($rool->{condition})) >= 0; } if ( $rool->{command} eq '=' ) { $item->{ignore} = 1 if lc($item->{$target}) eq lc($rool->{condition}); } if ( $rool->{command} eq 'regex' ) { my $regex = $rool->{condition}; $item->{ignore} = 1 if $item->{$target} =~ /$regex/sgi; } } } sub __check_only { my ($self, %opts) = @_; my $item = $opts{item}; return unless ref $item; return unless ref $opts{rools} eq 'ARRAY'; my @rools = grep { $_->{action} eq 'only' } @{ $opts{rools} }; return unless @rools; foreach my $rool ( @rools ) { my $target = $rool->{target}; if ( $rool->{command} =~ /^contain/ ) { $item->{ignore} = 1 unless index (lc($item->{$target}), lc($rool->{condition})) >= 0; } if ( $rool->{command} eq '=' ) { $item->{ignore} = 1 unless lc($item->{$target}) eq lc($rool->{condition}); } if ( $rool->{command} eq 'regex' ) { my $regex = $rool->{condition}; $item->{ignore} = 1 unless $item->{$target} =~ /$regex/sgi; } } } sub __feed_type { my ($self, $contref) = @_; my $type; if ( $$contref =~ /]*)>/ ) { $type = 'RSS'; } elsif ( $$contref =~ /]*)>/ ) { my $feed_params = $1; my $params = $self->__parse_params ($feed_params); if ( exists $params->{xmlns} && $params->{xmlns} =~ /\/atom/ ) { $type = 'ATOM'; } elsif ( exists $params->{xmlns} && $params->{xmlns} =~ /\/2005\/Atom/ ) { $type = 'ATOM'; } } elsif ( $$contref =~ /]*)>/ ) { $type = 'RDF'; } return $type; } sub __parse_content { my ($self, $contref, %opts) = @_; my $feed_type = $self->__feed_type($contref); # warn "FEED Type = [$feed_type]\n"; return undef unless $feed_type; $$contref =~ s/>\s+(.*?)<\/items([^>]*?)>//sgi; $$contref =~ s/<\/?br(.*?)>/\n/sgi; $$contref =~ s/<\/?nobr(.*?)>//sgi; #$$contref =~ s/

/\n\n/sgi; #$$contref =~ s//\n\n/sgi; $$contref =~ s/<\/?strong\s(.*?)>//sgi; if ( $opts{preserve_tags} ) { $$contref =~ s/<(\/?[sib])>/\[$1\]/sgi; $$contref =~ s/<(\/?strong)>/\[$1\]/sgi; $$contref =~ s/<(\/?em)>/\[$1\]/sgi; } else { $$contref =~ s/<(\/?[sib])>//sgi; $$contref =~ s/<(\/?strong)>//sgi; $$contref =~ s/<(\/?em)>//sgi; } #$$contref =~ s/<\/p>//sgi; #$$contref =~ s/<\/p\s(.*?)>//sgi; my @items; if ( $feed_type eq 'RSS' ) { while ( $$contref =~ /(.*?)<\/item([^>]*?)>/sgi ) { my $item_params = $1; my $item_body = $2; # warn "BODY: [$item_body]\n\n"; my $params = $self->__parse_params ($item_params); my $item = $self->__parse_item_RSS ($item_body) || {}; if ( ref $params eq 'HASH' ) { foreach my $key ( %$params ) { if ( exists $item->{$key} && ref $item->{$key} eq 'ARRAY' ) { push @{ $item->{$key} }, $params->{$key}; } elsif ( exists $item->{$key} ) { my @arr = ( $item->{$key}, $params->{$key} ); $item->{$key} = \@arr; } else { $item->{$key} = $params->{$key}; } } } if ( ref $item eq 'HASH' && scalar keys %$item ) { if ( exists $item->{'feedburner:origlink'} ) { $item->{link} = ref $item->{'feedburner:origlink'} eq 'ARRAY' ? $item->{'feedburner:origlink'}->[0] : $item->{'feedburner:origlink'}; } elsif ( !exists $item->{link} ) { foreach my $key ( qw( guid ) ) { if ( exists $item->{$key} ) { $item->{link} = $item->{$key}; last; } } } push @items, $item; } # warn Dumper($item); } } if ( $feed_type eq 'RDF' ) { while ( $$contref =~ /(.*?)<\/item([^>]*?)>/sgi ) { my $item_params = $1; my $item_body = $2; # warn "BODY: [$item_body]\n\n"; my $params = $self->__parse_params ($item_params); my $item = $self->__parse_item_RSS ($item_body) || {}; if ( ref $params eq 'HASH' ) { foreach my $key ( %$params ) { if ( exists $item->{$key} && ref $item->{$key} eq 'ARRAY' ) { push @{ $item->{$key} }, $params->{$key}; } elsif ( exists $item->{$key} ) { my @arr = ( $item->{$key}, $params->{$key} ); $item->{$key} = \@arr; } else { $item->{$key} = $params->{$key}; } } } # warn Dumper($item); if ( ref $item eq 'HASH' && scalar keys %$item ) { if ( !exists $item->{pubdate} ) { foreach my $key ( 'prism:publicationdate', 'dc:date' ) { if ( exists $item->{$key} ) { $item->{pubdate} = $item->{$key}; last; } } } push @items, $item; } } } if ( $feed_type eq 'ATOM' ) { while ( $$contref =~ /(.*?)<\/entry([^>]*?)>/sgi ) { my $item_params = $1; my $item_body = $2; my $item = $self->__parse_item_ATOM ($item_body) || {}; # warn Dumper($item); if ( ref $item eq 'HASH' && scalar keys %$item ) { if ( !exists $item->{pubdate} ) { foreach my $key ( 'published', 'updated' ) { if ( exists $item->{$key} ) { $item->{pubdate} = $item->{$key}; last; } } } push @items, $item; } } } return ( scalar @items ? \@items : undef ); } sub __parse_params { my ($self, $params) = @_; return undef unless $params; my %params; while ( $params =~ /([\w\:]+)(\s*?)=(\s*?)["'](.*?)["']/sgi ) { my $name = $1; my $value = $4; if ( $name && $value ) { $params{$name} = $value; } } return ( scalar(keys %params) ? \%params : undef ); } sub __parse_item_RSS { my ($self, $item_body, $debug) = @_; return undef unless $item_body; my %item; # my $embedded = $self->__item_cut_rss_embedded(\$item_body); # if ( ref $embedded ) { # %item = %$embedded; # } # my $content = $self->__item_cut_rss_description(\$item_body); # $item{description} = $content if $content; # my $one_string_elements = $self->__item_cut_single_elements (\$item_body); # if ( ref $one_string_elements eq 'ARRAY' && @$one_string_elements ) { # foreach my $elem ( @$one_string_elements ) { # my ($elem_name) = keys %$elem if ref $elem eq 'HASH'; # if ( exists $item{$elem_name} && ref $item{$elem_name} eq 'ARRAY' ) { # push @{ $item{$elem_name} }, $elem->{$elem_name}; # } elsif ( exists $item{$elem_name} ) { # $item{$elem_name} = [$item{$elem_name}, $elem->{$elem_name}]; # } else { # $item{$elem_name} = $elem->{$elem_name}; # } # } # } my $parsed = $self->__make_tree (\$item_body, $debug); # warn Dumper($parsed); if ( ref $parsed && exists $parsed->{1} && exists $parsed->{1}{children} && ref $parsed->{1}{children} eq 'ARRAY' ) { foreach my $tag ( @{ $parsed->{1}{children} } ) { if ( ref $tag->{children} eq 'ARRAY' && scalar @{ $tag->{children} } ) { my %params; foreach my $it ( @{ $tag->{children} } ) { next unless $it->{text}; if ( exists $params{$it->{type}} && ref $params{$it->{type}} eq 'ARRAY' ) { push @{ $params{$it->{type}} }, $it->{text}; } elsif ( exists $params{$it->{type}} ) { my @arr = ( $params{$it->{type}}, $it->{text} ); $params{$it->{type}} = \@arr; } else { $params{$it->{type}} = $it->{text}; } } if ( exists $item{$tag->{type}} && ref $item{$tag->{type}} eq 'ARRAY' ) { push @{ $item{$tag->{type}} }, \%params; } elsif ( exists $item{$tag->{type}} ) { my @arr = ( $item{$tag->{type}}, \%params ); $item{$tag->{type}} = \@arr; } else { $item{$tag->{type}} = \%params; } } else { my $body = $tag->{text} || $tag->{params}; if ( exists $item{$tag->{type}} && ref $item{$tag->{type}} eq 'ARRAY' ) { push @{ $item{$tag->{type}} }, $body; } elsif ( exists $item{$tag->{type}} ) { my @arr = ( $item{$tag->{type}}, $body ); $item{$tag->{type}} = \@arr; } else { $item{$tag->{type}} = $body; } } } } # warn Dumper(\%item); return \%item; } sub __parse_item_ATOM { my ($self, $item_body, $debug) = @_; return undef unless $item_body; my %item; my $embedded = $self->__item_cut_rss_embedded(\$item_body); if ( ref $embedded ) { %item = %$embedded; } if ( exists $item{summary} ) { $item{description} = delete $item{summary}; } else { my $summary = $self->__item_cut_atom_summary(\$item_body); $item{description} = $summary if $summary; } my $content = $self->__item_cut_atom_content(\$item_body); if ( $content && $item{description} ) { $item{fulltext} = $content; } elsif ( $content ) { $item{description} = $content; } my $one_string_elements = $self->__item_cut_single_elements (\$item_body); # warn Dumper ($one_string_elements); if ( ref $one_string_elements eq 'ARRAY' && @$one_string_elements ) { foreach my $elem ( @$one_string_elements ) { my ($elem_name) = keys %$elem if ref $elem eq 'HASH'; if ( exists $item{$elem_name} && ref $item{$elem_name} eq 'ARRAY' ) { push @{$item{$elem_name}}, $elem->{$elem_name}; } elsif ( exists $item{$elem_name} ) { my @arr = ($item{$elem_name}, $elem->{$elem_name}); $item{$elem_name} = \@arr; } else { $item{$elem_name} = $elem->{$elem_name}; } if ( $elem->{$elem_name}{type} =~ /^image/ ) { my $enclosure = { url => $elem->{$elem_name}{href} || $elem->{$elem_name}{url}, type => $elem->{$elem_name}{type} }; if ( exists $item{enclosure} && ref $item{enclosure} eq 'ARRAY' ) { push @{ $item{enclosure} }, $enclosure; } elsif ( exists $item{enclosure} ) { my @arr = ($item{enclosure}, $enclosure); $item{enclosure} = \@arr; } else { $item{enclosure} = $enclosure; } } if ( $elem->{$elem_name}{type} =~ /^video/ ) { my $enclosure = { url => $elem->{$elem_name}{href} || $elem->{$elem_name}{url}, type => $elem->{$elem_name}{type} }; if ( exists $item{enclosure} && ref $item{enclosure} eq 'ARRAY' ) { push @{ $item{enclosure} }, $enclosure; } elsif ( exists $item{enclosure} ) { my @arr = ($item{enclosure}, $enclosure); $item{enclosure} = \@arr; } else { $item{enclosure} = $enclosure; } } } } my $parsed = $self->__make_tree (\$item_body, $debug); # warn Dumper($parsed); if ( ref $parsed && exists $parsed->{1} && exists $parsed->{1}{children} && ref $parsed->{1}{children} eq 'ARRAY' ) { foreach my $tag ( @{ $parsed->{1}{children} } ) { if ( ref $tag->{children} eq 'ARRAY' && scalar @{ $tag->{children} } ) { my %params; foreach my $it ( @{ $tag->{children} } ) { next unless $it->{text}; if ( exists $params{$it->{type}} && ref $params{$it->{type}} eq 'ARRAY' ) { push @{ $params{$it->{type}} }, $it->{text}; } elsif ( exists $params{$it->{type}} ) { my @arr = ( $params{$it->{type}}, $it->{text} ); $params{$it->{type}} = \@arr; } else { $params{$it->{type}} = $it->{text}; } } if ( exists $tag->{params} && ref $tag->{params} eq 'HASH' ) { while ( my ($param, $value) = each %{ $tag->{params} } ) { if ( exists $params{$param} && ref $params{$param} eq 'ARRAY' ) { push @{ $params{$param} }, $value; } elsif ( exists $params{$param} ) { my @arr = ( $params{$param}, $value ); $params{$param} = \@arr; } else { $params{$param} = $value; } } } if ( exists $item{$tag->{type}} && ref $item{$tag->{type}} eq 'ARRAY' ) { push @{ $item{$tag->{type}} }, \%params; } elsif ( exists $item{$tag->{type}} ) { my @arr = ( $item{$tag->{type}}, \%params ); $item{$tag->{type}} = \@arr; } else { $item{$tag->{type}} = \%params; } } else { my $body = $tag->{text} || $tag->{params}; if ( exists $item{$tag->{type}} && ref $item{$tag->{type}} eq 'ARRAY' ) { push @{ $item{$tag->{type}} }, $body; } elsif ( exists $item{$tag->{type}} ) { my @arr = ( $item{$tag->{type}}, $body ); $item{$tag->{type}} = \@arr; } else { $item{$tag->{type}} = $body; } } } my $pubDate = exists $item{issued} ? $item{issued} : exists $item{modified} ? $item{modified} : undef; $item{pubdate} = $pubDate if $pubDate; } # warn Dumper(\%item); return \%item; } sub __make_tree { my ($self, $content, $debug) = @_; my @elems = split (//,$$content); # warn "CONTENT: [$$content]\n\n"; my $id = 1; my $level = 0; my @stack; my %tree = ( root => { id => $id++, text => '', type => 'root', children=> [], parent => undef, level => $level, }, ); my %elem_hash = ( 1 => $tree{root} ); my $current = $tree{root}; while ( @elems ) { if ( $elems[0] eq '<' && $elems[1] =~ /[\!a-zA-Z]/ ) { my $tag = $self->__try_tag (\@elems); if ( ref $tag && $tag->{type} eq 'text' ) { $current->{text} .= $tag->{content}; splice @elems, 0, $tag->{count}; # warn "Tag: [".$current->{type}."]\n Text added:[".$tag->{content}."]\n"; } elsif ( ref $tag && exists $tag->{closed} && $tag->{closed} ) { $tag->{id} = $id++; $tag->{parent} = $current; $tag->{level} = $level+1; $elem_hash{$tag->{id}} = $tag; push @{$current->{children}}, $tag; splice @elems, 0, $tag->{count}; # warn "Tag: [".$current->{type}."]\n Text added:[".$tag->{content}."]\n"; } elsif ( ref $tag ) { $tag->{id} = $id++; $tag->{children} = []; $tag->{parent} = $current; $tag->{level} = ++$level; $elem_hash{$tag->{id}} = $tag; push @{$current->{children}}, $tag; push @stack, $current; $current = $tag; splice @elems, 0, $tag->{count}; # warn "Tag: [".$current->{type}."]\n Text added:[".$tag->{content}."]\n"; } else { # warn "!!!! Error: RSS analyse. Job on item broken... !!!!\n" if $debug; return undef; } } elsif ( $elems[0] eq '<' && $elems[1] =~ /\// ) { my $tag = $self->__try_end (\@elems); if ( ref $tag && $tag->{type} eq 'text' ) { $current->{text} .= $tag->{content}; $current->{count} += $tag->{count}; splice @elems, 0, $tag->{count}; } elsif ( ref $tag ) { if ( $current->{type} ne $tag->{type} ) { # warn "!!!!Wrong tag type for closing. It's [$tag->{type}]. It must be [$current->{type}]!!!!\n" if $debug; return undef; } else { $current = pop @stack; $level = $current->{level}; # warn "Text place: [".substr($current->{text}, 0, 20)."]\n" if exists $current->{text}; # warn "Close type: /$tag->{type}. Level: $level. Stack depth: ".scalar(@stack)."\n"; } splice @elems, 0, $tag->{count}; } else { # warn "!!!! Error: HTML analyse. Job broken... !!!!\n" if $debug; return undef; } } else { $current->{text} .= shift @elems; $current->{count}++; } } return (\%elem_hash); } sub __try_tag { my ($self, $content) = @_; my $i = 1; my %tag; my $tag = $content->[0]; if ( $content->[$i] eq '!' ) { # warn "What? Think it's CDATA\n"; my $try_cdata = join '', @$content[1..8]; if ( $try_cdata eq '![CDATA[' ) { $tag = ''; $i = 9; while ( !($content->[$i-1] eq '>' && $content->[$i-2] eq ']' && $content->[$i-3] eq ']') && $i < scalar @$content ) { $tag .= $content->[$i]; $i++; } chop $tag; chop $tag; chop $tag; } # warn "CDATA Found: [$tag]"; return { type => 'text', content => $tag, count => $i, }; } while ( $content->[$i] ne '<' && $content->[$i] ne '>' && $i < scalar @$content ) { $tag .= $content->[$i]; $i++; } if ( $content->[$i] eq '<' || $i >= scalar @$content ) { return { type => 'text', content => $tag, count => $i, }; } else { if ( $tag =~ /^<([\w:-]+)\s*(.*)/si ) { my $elem_name = $1; my $elem_body = $2; unless ( $self->__is_valid_tag ($elem_name) ) { return { type => 'text', content => $tag, count => $i, }; } else { my $params = $self->__parse_params ($elem_body) if $elem_body; if ( $content->[$i] eq '>' && $content->[$i-1] eq '/' ) { $tag{closed} = 1; } $tag{type} = lc($elem_name); $tag{count} = $i+1; $tag{params} = $params if ref $params; return \%tag; } } else { return { type => 'text', content => $tag, count => $i, }; } } } sub __try_end { my ($self, $content) = @_; my $i = 2; my %tag; my $tag = $content->[0].$content->[1]; while ( $content->[$i] ne '<' && $content->[$i] ne '>' && $i < scalar @$content ) { $tag .= $content->[$i]; $i++; } if ( $content->[$i] eq '<' || $i >= scalar @$content ) { return { type => 'text', content => $tag, count => $i, }; } else { if ( $tag =~ /^<\/([\w:-]+)/i ) { my $elem_name = $1; unless ( $self->__is_valid_tag ($elem_name) ) { return { type => 'text', content => $tag, count => $i, }; } else { $tag{type} = lc($elem_name); $tag{count} = $i+1; return \%tag; } } else { return { type => 'text', content => $tag, count => $i, }; } } } sub __is_valid_tag { my ($self, $tag) = @_; foreach my $invtag ( @INVALID_TAGS ) { return 0 if lc($invtag) eq lc($tag); } return 1; } sub __item_cut_atom_content { my ($self, $item_body) = @_; my %elem; if ( $$item_body =~ /]*?)>(.*?)<\/content([^>]*)>/si ) { my $content_params = $1; my $content_body = $2; my $params = $self->__parse_params ($content_params) if $content_params; $$item_body =~ s/]*?)>(.*?)<\/content([^>]*)>//si; return $content_body; } } sub __item_cut_atom_summary { my ($self, $item_body) = @_; my %elem; if ( $$item_body =~ /]*)>(.*?)<\/summary([^>]*)>/si ) { my $content_params = $1; my $content_body = $2; my $params = $self->__parse_params ($content_params) if $content_params; $$item_body =~ s/]*)>(.*?)<\/summary([^>]*)>//si; return $content_body; } } sub __item_cut_rss_description { my ($self, $item_body) = @_; my %elem; if ( $$item_body =~ /]*?)>(.*?)<\/description([^>]*)>/si ) { my $content_params = $1; my $content_body = $2; my $params = $self->__parse_params ($content_params) if $content_params; $$item_body =~ s/]*?)>(.*?)<\/description([^>]*)>//si; return $content_body; } } sub __item_cut_rss_embedded { my ($self, $item_body) = @_; my %elem; while ( $$item_body =~ /<([^>]*?)>\s*\s*<\/([^>]*)>/sgi ) { my $tag = $3; my $content_body = $2; my $content_params = $1; if ( $content_params =~ /([\w:-]+)\s+(.*)/ ) { $tag = 1; $content_params = $2; } my $params = $self->__parse_params ($content_params) if $content_params; $elem{$tag} = $content_body; $$item_body =~ s/<$tag([^>]*?)>(.*?)<\/$tag([^>]*)>//si; } return scalar keys %elem ? \%elem : undef; } sub __item_cut_single_elements { my ($self, $item_body) = @_; my @elems; while ( $$item_body =~ /<([\w\:\-]+)\s*([^>]*?)\/>/sgi ) { my $elem_name = $1; my $elem_body = $2; my $params = $self->__parse_params ($elem_body) if $elem_body; if ( $elem_name && ref $params ) { push @elems, { $elem_name => $params } } } $$item_body =~ s/<(\w+)\s*([^>]*?)\/>//sgi; return ( @elems ? \@elems : undef ); } sub __field_prepare { my ($self, $text) = @_; return unless $text; for ( $text ) { s/^[\n\r\ \t]+//; s/[\n\r\ \t]+$//; s/\[(\/?strong)\]/<$1>/sgi; s/\[(\/?em)\]/<$1>/sgi; s/\[(\/?[sib])\]/<$1>/sgi; } $self->__cdata (\$text); $self->__extchar (\$text); # $text = HTML::Entities::decode_entities($text); # Remove linebreaks inside incorrectly breaked paragraphs if (length($text) > 100) { my $pcount = 0; while ($text =~ /

(.+?)(?=<\/?p>|$)/sgi) { my $p = $1; if (length $p > 50) { my ($dcount, $ndcount) = (0,0); # Count sentences normally ended vs breaked $dcount++ while $p =~ /(\.|\?|\!)['"]?\s*[\r\n]+/g; $ndcount++ while $p =~ /([^\.\?\!\s])\s*[\r\n]+/g; # Found broken paragraph last if $ndcount > $dcount and ++$pcount > 1; } } if ($pcount > 0) { $text =~ s/[\n\r]+/ /sg; } } $text =~ s/]*>/\n/sgi; $text =~ s//\n\n/sgi; $text =~ s/<\/p\s*>//sgi; # $text = Contenido::Parser::Util::strip_html($text); # $text = Contenido::Parser::Util::text_cleanup($text); return $text; } sub __extchar { my ($self, $textref) = @_; for ( $$textref ) { s/&/\&/sg; s/\&/\&/sgi; s/\&/\&/sgi; s/\<//sgi; s/\"/"/sgi; s/\«/«/sg; s/\»/»/sg; s/\£/£/sg; s/\–/–/sg; s/\—/—/sg; s/\„/"/sg; s/\“/"/sg; s/\”/"/sg; s/\´/'/sg; s/\…/\.\.\./sg; s/\ /\n/sg; s/\"/"/sg; } # $$textref =~ s/&#(\d+);/{'&#'.__normalise($1).';'}/eg; # $$textref =~ s/«/«/sgi; # $$textref =~ s/»/»/sgi; # $$textref =~ s/©/©/sgi; # $$textref =~ s/–/–/sgi; # $$textref =~ s/—/—/sgi; # $$textref =~ s/°/º/sgi; # $$textref =~ s/ /\x20/sgi; } sub __normalise { my $chr = shift; return sprintf("%04d",$chr); } sub __cdata { my ($self, $textref) = @_; if ( $$textref =~ /^<\!\[CDATA\[/ ) { $$textref =~ s/<\!\[CDATA\[//sgi; $$textref =~ s/\]\]>//sgi; } } sub __parse_rools { my ($self, $rools) = @_; return unless $rools; $rools =~ s/\r//sgi; my @rools = split /\n/, $rools; return unless @rools; my @parsed; foreach my $rool ( @rools ) { my %pr; next if $rool =~ /^#/; $rool =~ s/[\x20\t]+$//; $rool =~ s/^[\x20\t]+//; if ( $rool =~ /^([\w']+)\s+(.*)$/ || $rool =~ /^(\w+)(.*)$/ ) { $pr{action} = lc($1); my $params = $2; if ( $pr{action} eq 'use' && $params =~ /^(current)\s+(date)$/ ) { $pr{action} = 'rewrite'; $pr{target} = 'pubdate'; $pr{command} = 'set'; $pr{condition} = 'CURRENT_DATETIME'; push @parsed, \%pr; } elsif ( $params =~ /^(\w+)\s+(.*)$/ ) { $pr{target} = lc($1); $params = $2; if ( $params =~ /^([\w=]+)\s+(.*)$/ ) { $pr{command} = lc($1); $params = $2; if ( $pr{action} eq 'filter' && $pr{command} eq 'cut' && $params =~ /^(\w+)\s+(.*)$/ ) { $pr{subcommand} = lc($1); $params = $2; next unless $pr{subcommand} =~ /^(untill|till|from|off|regex)$/; $params =~ s|([*+?/\\\|])|\\$1|sg unless $pr{subcommand} eq 'regex'; $pr{condition} = $params; } elsif ( $pr{action} eq 'filter' && $pr{command} eq 'regex' && substr($params,0,1) eq substr($params,-1,1) && substr($params,0,1) =~ /([\/\#\|])/ ) { my $delim = $1; $params = substr($params,1,length($params)-2); my @params = split(//,$params); my ($from, $to) = ('',''); my $prev = ''; while ( @params ) { my $ch = shift @params; if ( $ch eq $delim && $prev ne '\\' ) { last; } else { $prev = $ch; $from .= $ch; } } $to = join ('', @params); $pr{condition} = { from => $from, to => $to }; } elsif ( ($pr{action} eq 'ignore' || $pr{action} eq 'only') && $pr{command} =~ /^(regex|=|contain|contains)$/ ) { $params =~ s|([*+?/\\\|])|\\$1|sg unless $pr{subcommand} eq 'regex'; $pr{condition} = $params; } else { next; } push @parsed, \%pr; } } } } return ( scalar @parsed ? \@parsed : undef ); } sub __parse_related { my ($self, $related) = @_; return unless ref $related eq 'HASH'; return unless exists $related->{url} && $related->{url} =~ /^http:\/\//i; return unless exists $related->{rel} && $related->{rel} =~ /(news|discussion|teaser)/; my $result = { url => $related->{url}, rel => $related->{rel} }; $result->{type} = $related->{type} if exists $related->{type}; $result->{title} = $self->__field_prepare($related->{title}) if exists $related->{title} && $related->{title}; $result->{author} = $self->__field_prepare($related->{author}) if exists $related->{author} && $related->{author}; $result->{description} = $self->__field_prepare($related->{description}) if exists $related->{description} && $related->{description}; if ( exists $related->{pubdate} && $related->{pubdate} ) { my $pubdate = Class::Date::localdate(Date::Parse::str2time($related->{pubdate})); $result->{pubdate} = $pubdate if $pubdate; } if ( $related->{rel} =~ /(news|teaser)/ ) { return undef unless $result->{title} && $result->{pubdate}; } else { $result->{title} ||= 'Обсудить'; } if ( exists $related->{image} && $related->{image} ) { if ( ref $related->{image} eq 'HASH' && (exists $related->{image}{url} || exists $related->{image}{href}) ) { my $img = rchannel::Image->new( { src => ($related->{image}{url} || $related->{image}{href}) } ); $result->{image} = $img if ref $img; } elsif ( !ref $related->{image} ) { my $img = rchannel::Image->new( { src => $related->{image} } ); $result->{image} = $img if ref $img; } } return $result; } sub __parse_date { my $self = shift; my $str = shift; if ($str=~/(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{4})T(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/){ return parsedate ("$3-$2-$1 $4:$5:$6"); } elsif ($str=~/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})T(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})/){ return parsedate ("$1 $2"); } else { return parsedate($str); } } # TODO IMAGES: # enclosure # media:content # media:thumbnail # image # img # FOUDNED: # author # category # comments # content # content:encoded # content:format # dc:creator # dc:date # dc:rights # dc:subject # description # enclosure # feedburner:awareness # feedburner:origLink # full-text # fulltext # guid # guide # habrahabr:ballsCount # habrahabr:commentsCount # id # image # img # link # media:content # media:thumbnail # pdalink # pubDate # pubdate # pubid # published # rambler:full-text # rambler:fulltext # region # section # sections # source # sport # summary # text # title # updated # wfw:commentRSS # wfw:commentRss # wmj:fulltext # yandex:full-text 1;