#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings "all"; use locale; BEGIN { require 'inc.pl' }; use Contenido::Globals; use Contenido::Init; use ErrorTee; use PidFile; use Data::Dumper; # begin Contenido::Init->init(); my $keeper_module = $state->project.'::Keeper'; $keeper = $keeper_module->new($state); #PidFile->new($keeper, compat=>1); # db-based locking (run only on one host) #PidFile->new($keeper, compat=>1, per_host=>1); # db-based locking (run on whole cluster) ############################################ # please use: # $state->{log_dir} for logging # $state->{tmp_dir} for temporary files ########################################### $keeper->t_connect() || die $keeper->error(); my $ids = $keeper->TSQL->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id FROM mailqueue WHERE status = 0 and dtime <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ORDER BY ctime LIMIT 5"); if ( ref $ids eq 'ARRAY' && @$ids ) { $keeper->TSQL->do("UPDATE mailqueue SET status = 2 WHERE ID IN (".join(',', '?' x scalar @$ids).")", {}, map { $_->[0] } @$ids); } $keeper->t_finish(); if ( @$ids ) { my $sendmail = Contenido::Mail->new({password => 'g8$feds1'}); foreach my $row ( @$ids ) { my $mail = $keeper->get_document_by_id($row->[0], class => 'Contenido::Email'); if ( ref $mail ) { my $data = { to => $mail->name, subject => $mail->subject, body => $mail->body_html, }; if ( $mail->cc ) { $data->{cc} = [split /\n/, $mail->cc]; } if ( $mail->body_text ) { $data->{text} = $mail->body_text; } if ( my $err = $sendmail->send({ email => $data }) ) { $mail->status(3); $mail->error( $err ); } else { $mail->status(2); } $mail->store; } } }