############################################################################## # $HeadURL: http://svn.dev.rambler.ru/cndinst/trunk/skel/config.mk.proto $ # $Id: config.mk.proto 61 2009-11-13 14:47:29Z phoinix $ ############################################################################### # Main OWNER = @OWNER@ ROOT_DIR = @ROOT_DIR@ CONTENIDO_VERSION = 7 # HTTP SERVER = @SERVER@ HTTPD_HOST = @SERVER@ HTTPD_PORT = @HTTPD_PORT@ HTTPD_LISTEN = ${HTTPD_PORT} HTTPD_SERVER = ${SERVER}:${HTTPD_PORT} SERVER_ADMIN = ${OWNER} # Database DB_TYPE ?= @DB_TYPE@ #PGSQL_LOGGING = YES # External directories BACKUPS = @BACKUPS@ CROSSLINKS = @CROSSLINKS@ SESSIONS = @SESSIONS@ # Reloading STATIC_SOURCE_ENABLE = YES # Error handling ERROR_MODE = fatal # Debug & profiling # Default DEBUG_FORMAT = %d %C:%L (%P) [%l]: "%m"%n # %d - date (format [mday/mon/year hour:min:sec]) # %P - current process ID # %C - name of package caused this log # %L - code line in %C # %l - log level # %m - log text # %n - "\n" # Debug levels: [debug info notice warning error critical alert emergency] DEBUG = NO DEBUG_FORMAT ?= DEBUG_MIN_LEVEL ?= DEBUG_MAX_LEVEL ?= DEBUG_STACK_TRACE = NO DEBUG_SQL = NO DEBUG_CORE = NO DEBUG_WORKTIME = NO PROFILING = NO PROFILING_DBI = NO # Tunable apache settings # (see src/core/config.mk for default values) #MIN_SPARE_SERVERS ?= #MAX_SPARE_SERVERS ?= #START_SERVERS ?= #MAX_CLIENTS ?= #MAX_REQUESTS_PER_CHILD ?= # Development ('/src' instead '/usr') # also flag for use test database/memcached etc # also can be accessed via $state->is_dev_server or $state->development DEVELOPMENT = NO # Default repository SVN_REPOSITORY ?= http://contenido.rambler.ru/repos/ # Current project PROJECT ?=