Operational manual
% if ( @articles ) { Articles
% foreach my $doc ( @articles ) { % my ($b1, $b2) = $id && $id == $doc->id ? ('','') : ('',''); - <% $b1.$doc->name.$b2 %>
% }
% } % if ( @tests ) {
% foreach my $doc ( @tests ) { % my $file = $doc->get_image('file'); % my ($b1, $b2) = $id && $id == $doc->id ? ('','') : ('',''); % if ( ref $file && exists $file->{filename} ) { - <% $doc->name %>
% } else { - <% $b1.$doc->name.$b2 %>
% } % }
% } <%doc> User's Guide 1 (pdf)
User's Guide 2 (pdf)
Advice of Experienced User
Training Video (avi)
Certificates and approvals
<%args> $place => undef $id => undef <%init> my $prj = $request->{project}; my $profile = $request->{project_profile}; my $root = $request->{project_section}; my ($articles_section) = exists $request->{article_section} ? ($request->{article_section}) : $keeper->get_sections ( s => $root->id, class => 'promosuite::SubSection', alias => 'articles', limit => 1 ); $request->{article_section} ||= $articles_section; my $get_documents = $articles_section->_sorted ? 'get_sorted_documents' : 'get_documents'; my @articles = $keeper->$get_documents ( s => $articles_section->id, class => ['promosuite::Article','promosuite::Multimedia'], status => 1, light => 1, ); my ($tests_section) = exists $request->{tests_section} ? ($request->{tests_section}) : $keeper->get_sections ( s => $root->id, class => 'promosuite::SubSection', alias => 'tests', limit => 1 ); $request->{tests_section} ||= $tests_section; $get_documents = $tests_section->_sorted ? 'get_sorted_documents' : 'get_documents'; my @tests = $keeper->$get_documents ( s => $tests_section->id, class => ['promosuite::Article','promosuite::Multimedia'], status => 1, );