package Convert::UU; use strict; BEGIN {require 5.004} # m//gc use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK); use Carp 'croak'; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. @EXPORT_OK = qw( uudecode uuencode ); $VERSION = '0.52'; # # From comp.lang.perl 3/1/95. # Posted by Hans Mulder ( # sub uuencode { croak("Usage: uuencode( {string|filehandle} [,filename] [, mode] )") unless(@_ >= 1 && @_ <= 3); my($in,$file,$mode) = @_; $mode ||= "644"; $file ||= "uuencode.uu"; my($chunk,@result,$r); if ( ref($in) eq 'IO::Handle' or ref(\$in) eq "GLOB" or ref($in) eq "GLOB" or ref($in) eq 'FileHandle' ) { # local $^W = 0; # Why did I get use of undefined value here ? binmode($in); local $/; $in = <$in>; } pos($in)=0; while ($in =~ m/\G(.{1,45})/sgc) { push @result, uuencode_chunk($1); } push @result, "`\n"; join "", "begin $mode $file\n", @result, "end\n"; } sub uuencode_chunk { my($string) = shift; # for the Mac? # my($mod3) = length($string) % 3; # $string .= "\0", $mod3 -= 3 if $mod3; my $encoded_string = pack("u", $string); # unix uuencode # for the Mac? # $encoded_string =~ s/.//; # remove length byte # chop($encoded_string); # remove trailing \n # $encoded_string =~ tr#`!-_#A-Za-z0-9+/#; # tr to mime alphabet # substr($encoded_string, $mod3) =~ tr/A/=/; # adjust padding $encoded_string; } sub uudecode { croak("Usage: uudecode( {string|filehandle|array ref}) ") unless(@_ == 1); my($in) = @_; my(@result,$file,$mode); $mode = $file = ""; if ( ref($in) eq 'IO::Handle' or ref(\$in) eq "GLOB" or ref($in) eq "GLOB" or ref($in) eq 'FileHandle' ) { local($\) = "\n"; binmode($in); while (<$in>) { if ($file eq "" and !$mode){ ($mode,$file) = ($1, $2) if /^begin\s+(\d+)\s+(.+)$/ ; next; } last if /^end/; push @result, uudecode_chunk($_); } } elsif (ref(\$in) eq "SCALAR") { while ($in =~ m/\G(.*?(\n|\r|\r\n|\n\r))/gc) { my $line = $1; if ($file eq "" and !$mode){ ($mode,$file) = $line =~ /^begin\s+(\d+)\s+(.+)$/ ; next; } next if $file eq "" and !$mode; last if $line =~ /^end/; push @result, uudecode_chunk($line); } } elsif (ref($in) eq "ARRAY") { my $line; foreach $line (@$in) { if ($file eq "" and !$mode){ ($mode,$file) = $line =~ /^begin\s+(\d+)\s+(.+)$/ ; next; } next if $file eq "" and !$mode; last if $line =~ /^end/; push @result, uudecode_chunk($line); } } wantarray ? (join("",@result),$file,$mode) : join("",@result); } sub uudecode_chunk { my($chunk) = @_; # return "" if $chunk =~ /^(--|\#|CREATED)/; # the "#" was an evil # bug: a "#" in column # one is legal! return "" if $chunk =~ /^(?:--|CREATED)/; my $string = substr($chunk,0,int((((ord($chunk) - 32) & 077) + 2) / 3)*4+1); # warn "DEBUG: string [$string]"; # my $return = unpack("u", $string); # warn "DEBUG: return [$return]"; # $return; my $ret = unpack("u", $string); defined $ret ? $ret : ""; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Convert::UU, uuencode, uudecode - Perl module for uuencode and uudecode =head1 SYNOPSIS use Convert::UU qw(uudecode uuencode); $encoded_string = uuencode($string,[$filename],[$mode]); ($string,$filename,$mode) = uudecode($string); $string = uudecode($string); # in scalar context =head1 DESCRIPTION uuencode() takes as the first argument a string that is to be uuencoded. Note, that it is the string that is encoded, not a filename. Alternatively a filehandle may be passed that must be opened for reading. It returns the uuencoded string including C and C. Second and third argument are optional and specify filename and mode. If unspecified these default to "uuencode.uu" and 644. uudecode() takes a string as argument which will be uudecoded. If the argument is a filehandle this handle will be read instead. If it is a reference to an ARRAY, the elements are treated like lines that form a string. Leading and trailing garbage will be ignored. The function returns the uudecoded string for the first begin/end pair. In array context it returns an array whose first element is the uudecoded string, the second is the filename and the third is the mode. =head1 EXPORT Both uudecode and uuencode are in @EXPORT_OK. =head1 AUTHOR Andreas Koenig Eandreas.koenig@anima.deE. With code integrated that was posted to USENET from Hans Mulder and Randal L. Schwartz. =head1 SEE ALSO puuencode(1), puudecode(1) for examples of how to use this module. =cut