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Date File Revision Author Revision Log
2013/05/31 19:55:50 356 356 ahitrov Order form bug - some fields are occasionally gone empty
Basket special_price field misspelling in Coupon price counting
2013/05/29 12:42:10 355 355 ahitrov Bug
2013/05/29 12:24:54 353 353 ahitrov While saving the delivery the script sends the letter by the template found in project /comps/letters/
2013/04/29 14:31:52 324 324 ahitrov Special-priced positions that do not include in discount game
2013/04/10 11:16:24 304 304 ahitrov Баги
2013/04/10 11:04:35 303 303 ahitrov Права пользователей и скрипт очистки
2013/04/04 10:54:09 299 299 ahitrov Синтаксическая ошибка
2013/04/04 10:40:20 298 298 ahitrov Ошибка в либах
2013/03/27 13:34:18 297 297 ahitrov Запрет на удаление
2013/02/08 08:03:40 277 277 ahitrov Default fields
2013/02/07 18:22:53 276 276 ahitrov small bug
2013/02/07 18:18:11 274 274 ahitrov Coupon workaround
2013/02/01 20:48:45 270 270 ahitrov Coupon discounts workaround
2012/12/25 09:09:30 262 262 ahitrov Procent in delivery discount
2012/12/05 20:54:09 261 261 ahitrov Correct status
2012/12/05 20:52:56 260 260 ahitrov Regions: sql and fieldtype
2012/12/05 08:06:03 259 259 ahitrov Area-sensitive delivery.
2012/11/06 12:32:55 257 257 ahitrov Default sort order
2012/10/11 07:52:25 256 256 ahitrov Отображение размера в админке
2012/09/11 16:45:11 241 241 ahitrov Size included