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Date File Revision Author Revision Log
2016/04/12 12:53:34 563 563 ahitrov Payment plugin contenido interface. Order finder and order actions

2016/03/29 09:17:33 557 557 ahitrov VK Auth upgrade
backend html code update

2016/03/23 11:56:38 556 556 ahitrov Production mode changes

2016/03/22 15:26:51 555 555 ahitrov Словоформа
2016/03/16 22:57:06 554 554 ahitrov Payture InPay gate API (init + pay) & Notification backend

2016/03/16 22:55:39 553 553 ahitrov Payment field now is a status field.
Class webshop::Order now has 'pay_amount' field for pay balance.

2016/03/10 17:47:50 552 552 ahitrov get_objects method
2016/02/24 14:05:30 550 550 ahitrov Tag autosection fix
2016/02/24 12:51:20 549 549 ahitrov Присоединение к секции по умолчанию
2016/02/24 12:43:56 548 548 ahitrov Тбалица тегов
2016/02/12 12:00:21 547 547 ahitrov Tag parent id (pid) and level fields
2016/01/27 12:39:21 545 545 ahitrov Additional order statuses

2016/01/21 14:32:53 544 544 ahitrov Adding logistic company name in context

2016/01/21 14:28:05 543 543 ahitrov Логистическая компания

2016/01/19 14:35:10 542 542 ahitrov Bug with credential post_init

2016/01/19 13:02:36 541 541 ahitrov Filter name

2016/01/19 11:04:20 540 540 ahitrov Retail/Wholesale order selector

2015/11/27 12:24:47 535 535 ahitrov SSL verification test

2015/11/25 17:36:04 529 529 ahitrov Payture testing

2015/11/24 12:45:58 525 525 ahitrov Payture, the beginning