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Date File Revision Author Revision Log
2020/03/20 15:56:09 786 786 ahitrov Payment discount

2019/12/19 15:33:30 784 784 ahitrov axiomus field

2019/12/19 10:13:46 783 783 ahitrov Payment options connected to delivery

2019/10/29 09:26:18 781 781 ahitrov E-mail for notifications

2019/05/07 09:43:31 777 777 ahitrov Get with items

2019/05/07 09:29:53 776 776 ahitrov 1C ident in order list

2019/04/22 15:28:40 775 775 ahitrov New default values

2019/04/22 15:18:57 774 774 ahitrov Search through go-based JSON proxy

2019/04/17 23:51:00 773 773 ahitrov Counter indexes

2019/04/16 20:55:18 772 772 ahitrov Only show for manager

2019/04/16 20:52:46 771 771 ahitrov Show client ids for facility and postman

2019/04/16 20:41:04 770 770 ahitrov GA && YM

2019/04/15 23:22:13 769 769 ahitrov Yandex && Google ids in order

2019/04/09 20:58:35 767 767 ahitrov Total with_products now using "storage" field

2019/01/24 14:11:31 765 765 ahitrov bug

2019/01/24 14:07:24 764 764 ahitrov finish query

2018/11/26 17:44:52 754 754 ahitrov Row highlight by company_id

2018/11/15 19:55:54 746 746 ahitrov Use handler for delivery in project's keeper

2018/11/14 23:03:11 745 745 ahitrov Coloring

2018/11/14 23:01:36 744 744 ahitrov coloring transaction