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Date File Revision Author Revision Log
2013/04/24 18:12:49 313 313 ahitrov Extra propertieas from parent lib
2013/04/24 18:06:57 312 312 ahitrov Vkontakte credential auth
2013/04/24 11:15:54 311 311 ahitrov bug
2013/04/24 11:13:09 310 310 ahitrov Credentials:
SQL numeric field datatype
Facebook external fields from parent
User Profile: get_credentials
2013/04/24 11:11:41 309 309 ahitrov Facebook credentials
oauth/*.html Content-Type
2013/04/24 10:45:39 308 308 ahitrov VK with credentials
2013/04/23 15:50:53 307 307 ahitrov Credentials support
2013/04/22 18:39:32 306 306 ahitrov Баг выборки
2013/04/22 16:42:50 305 305 ahitrov Credentials
2013/04/10 11:16:24 304 304 ahitrov Баги
2013/04/10 11:04:35 303 303 ahitrov Права пользователей и скрипт очистки
2013/04/04 10:54:09 299 299 ahitrov Синтаксическая ошибка
2013/04/04 10:40:20 298 298 ahitrov Ошибка в либах
2013/03/27 13:34:18 297 297 ahitrov Запрет на удаление
2013/03/26 17:59:01 296 296 ahitrov Promosite (anthill) project source
2013/03/26 17:57:46 295 295 ahitrov Promo-site (anthill) project container
2013/03/26 17:56:37 294 294 ahitrov Samples container
2013/03/26 17:54:17 293 293 ahitrov Credentials table
2013/03/23 13:45:29 292 292 ahitrov JSON serializer is default
2013/03/19 14:56:06 291 291 ahitrov New MIME::Lite port with dependencies