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Date File Revision Author Revision Log
2013/08/21 12:49:37 379 379 ahitrov Emails control for credentials
2013/08/20 12:38:26 374 374 ahitrov Additional project-oriented component
2013/08/14 13:09:20 373 373 ahitrov Main phone & e-mail check
Row coloring for "main" feature
2013/07/16 16:27:05 370 370 ahitrov Country property check

2013/07/16 12:40:21 369 369 ahitrov Valid IP list takes it values from project

2013/07/16 11:38:07 368 368 ahitrov More informative and user-friendly block view

2013/07/09 17:29:24 367 367 ahitrov Object field corresponding to credential is filled during post_init if even there are no "main" credentials

2013/06/26 13:22:42 366 366 ahitrov Action restriction bug
2013/06/18 17:21:08 365 365 ahitrov Watermark incapsulation
2013/06/18 12:29:19 363 363 ahitrov Coupon basket recount bug
New session object used in webshop operations
2013/06/14 12:09:19 362 362 ahitrov Запуск хендлера
2013/06/13 18:43:58 361 361 ahitrov Bug
2013/06/13 18:39:27 360 360 ahitrov Unnecessary use
2013/06/13 17:57:59 359 359 ahitrov Xsolla tuning
2013/06/11 08:56:08 358 358 ahitrov Initial plugin import
2013/06/11 08:55:38 357 357 ahitrov New plugin for online payments
2013/05/31 19:55:50 356 356 ahitrov Order form bug - some fields are occasionally gone empty
Basket special_price field misspelling in Coupon price counting
2013/05/29 12:42:10 355 355 ahitrov Bug
2013/05/29 12:25:36 354 354 ahitrov Self-2-self class link bug
2013/05/29 12:24:54 353 353 ahitrov While saving the delivery the script sends the letter by the template found in project /comps/letters/