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Date File Revision Author Revision Log
2018/08/13 11:24:32 693 693 ahitrov Initial import

2018/08/13 11:18:50 692 692 ahitrov New plugin for money check

2018/07/30 21:57:08 691 691 ahitrov Bug fixes

2018/07/30 10:05:12 690 690 ahitrov Sberbank gate. One-stage JSON API

2018/06/06 10:40:36 687 687 ahitrov Return all usable coupons but with flag "afflict_order"

2018/06/06 09:18:55 686 686 ahitrov Coupon multiply-field in document listing

2018/06/06 08:42:50 685 685 ahitrov Debug warnings

2018/06/05 22:39:06 684 684 ahitrov Coupon grouping by unique or multiply property

2018/05/29 09:29:11 683 683 ahitrov border spaces elimination

2018/05/26 20:18:53 682 682 ahitrov confirm patch

2018/05/26 20:18:22 681 681 ahitrov ext key

2018/05/26 20:17:15 680 680 ahitrov Method can be used through $keeper->{session}->

2018/05/21 06:32:44 679 679 ahitrov Case-sensitive coupon name bug

2018/04/19 10:00:48 678 678 ahitrov Update for scripting use

2018/04/19 09:50:39 677 677 ahitrov Editor control upgrade

2018/03/27 08:39:47 676 676 ahitrov VK API version

2018/03/26 17:27:44 675 675 ahitrov Register coupon

2018/03/15 08:35:22 674 674 ahitrov New port version

2017/12/20 13:51:10 671 671 ahitrov Shortname used

2017/12/07 11:41:06 670 670 ahitrov Filters next_to and prev_to can use parameter with or without _