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Date File Revision Author Revision Log
2014/11/12 15:37:17 448 448 ahitrov MIME::Lite 3.029 dist

2014/10/23 16:49:35 447 447 ahitrov New deps

2014/10/23 16:48:47 446 446 ahitrov New deps

2014/10/23 16:46:26 445 445 ahitrov One more requirement for DateTime::TimeZone

2014/10/23 16:12:32 444 444 ahitrov New DateTime::TimeZone version with requirements

2014/10/23 16:11:17 443 443 ahitrov New DateTime::TimeZone version with requirements

2014/10/23 16:05:04 442 442 ahitrov New russian Daylight saving requirements

2014/10/23 13:23:22 441 441 ahitrov New database field - syncro

2014/09/05 17:41:48 440 440 ahitrov Object edit form date check.
$document->delete now deletes multimedia_multi attachments.
Script template now contains code for plugins init
2014/08/11 13:08:39 439 439 ahitrov Virtual fields in section browse
2014/07/17 17:45:17 438 438 ahitrov Order report now can be filtered by coupons

2014/06/17 14:11:44 437 437 ahitrov New port

2014/04/22 09:56:57 436 436 ahitrov Project-oriented pre_store.msn and post_store.msn
2014/04/22 09:56:39 435 435 ahitrov Project-oriented pre_store.msn and post_store.msn
2014/04/13 21:57:03 434 434 ahitrov Payment alias (additional field)
company_id field for webshop::Order (b2b)
2014/04/11 12:28:52 433 433 ahitrov DateTime::Format::Strptime new version

2014/03/29 08:27:35 432 432 ahitrov New coupon registering and accounting algorythm
2014/03/21 18:35:14 431 431 ahitrov Old libraries

2014/03/19 11:37:35 430 430 ahitrov "with_products" option now retrieves items only with status => 'positive'
2014/03/14 20:03:40 429 429 ahitrov Discount can be counted for item groups and individual items
Discount can be based on additional price fields