Revision 567
- Date:
- 2016/04/19 22:22:48
- Files:
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
209 209 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 210 210 unless ($sth->execute(@$binds)) { 211 211 $self->error; 212 $log->error("DBI execute error on $$query\n".Data::Dumper::Dumper($binds)."\ncalled with opts:\n".Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%opts)); 212 $log->error("DBI execute error on $$query\n".Data::Dumper::Dumper($DBD::Pg::VERSION >= '3' ? Data::Recursive::Encode->encode_utf8($binds) : $binds)."\ncalled with opts:\n".Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%opts)); 213 213 return; 214 214 } 215 215 my $finish1 = Time::HiRes::time() if ($DEBUG); … … 235 235 $Contenido::Globals::CORE_TIME += $finish2-$finish1; 236 236 $Contenido::Globals::DB_COUNT++; 237 237 238 $log->info("get_items($proto) ".($mason_file ? "called from $mason_file" : '')." SQL: '$$query' with binds: '".join("', '", @$binds)."' fetched: $total records (total work time: $total_time ms, database time $db_time ms, core time $core_time ms)"); 238 $log->info("get_items($proto) ".($mason_file ? "called from $mason_file" : '')." SQL: '$$query' with binds: '".join("', '", map { ref $_ ? Data::Dumper::Dumper($DBD::Pg::VERSION >= '3' ? Data::Recursive::Encode->encode_utf8($_) : $_) : $DBD::Pg::VERSION >= '3' ? Encode::encode('utf-8', $_) : $_ } @$binds)."' fetched: $total records (total work time: $total_time ms, database time $db_time ms, core time $core_time ms)"); 239 239 } 240 240 241 241 #выдает предупреждение если полученно более 500 обьектов но не выставлен no_limit 242 242 if ($total>999 and !($opts{no_limit} or $opts{limit})) { 243 243 my $mason_comp = ref($HTML::Mason::Commands::m) ? $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->current_comp() : undef; 244 244 my $mason_file = ref($mason_comp) ? $mason_comp->path : undef; 245 $log->error("get_items($proto) ".($mason_file ? "called from $mason_file" : '')." SQL: '$$query' with binds: '".join("', '", @$binds)."' fetched 1000 records... гарантированно часть записей не получена из базы... или добавьте no_limit=>1 или разберитесь почему так много данных получаете"); 245 $log->error("get_items($proto) ".($mason_file ? "called from $mason_file" : '')." SQL: '$$query' with binds: '".join("', '", map { ref $_ ? Data::Dumper::Dumper($DBD::Pg::VERSION >= '3' ? Data::Recursive::Encode->encode_utf8($_) : $_) : $DBD::Pg::VERSION >= '3' ? Encode::encode('utf-8', $_) : $_ } @$binds)."' fetched 1000 records... гарантированно часть записей не получена из базы... или добавьте no_limit=>1 или разберитесь почему так много данных получаете"); 246 246 } elsif ($total>500 and !($opts{no_limit} or $opts{limit})) { 247 247 my $mason_comp = ref($HTML::Mason::Commands::m) ? $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->current_comp() : undef; 248 248 my $mason_file = ref($mason_comp) ? $mason_comp->path : undef; 249 $log->warning("get_items($proto) ".($mason_file ? "called from $mason_file" : '')." SQL: '$$query' with binds: '".join("', '", @$binds)."' fetched over 500 ($total) records... или добавьте no_limit=>1 или разберитесь почему так много данных получаете"); 249 $log->warning("get_items($proto) ".($mason_file ? "called from $mason_file" : '')." SQL: '$$query' with binds: '".join("', '", map { ref $_ ? Data::Dumper::Dumper($DBD::Pg::VERSION >= '3' ? Data::Recursive::Encode->encode_utf8($_) : $_) : $DBD::Pg::VERSION >= '3' ? Encode::encode('utf-8', $_) : $_ } @$binds)."' fetched over 500 ($total) records... или добавьте no_limit=>1 или разберитесь почему так много данных получаете"); 250 250 } 251 251 252 252 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
317 317 return Encode::decode('utf-8', $json_n->encode ({map { $_=> Encode::decode($state->db_encode_data, $self->{$_}, Encode::FB_HTMLCREF) } grep { !$virtual_fields->{$_} && (defined $self->{$_}) } @$extra_fields})); 318 318 } else { 319 319 my $content = Encode::decode('utf-8', $json_n->encode ({map { $_=>$self->{$_} } grep { !$virtual_fields->{$_} && (defined $self->{$_}) } @$extra_fields})); 320 # warn "Store content is [$content]. UTF-8 Flag [".Encode::is_utf8($content)."]\n"; 320 warn "Store content is [".Encode::encode('utf-8', $content)."]. UTF-8 Flag [".Encode::is_utf8($content)."]\n"; 321 321 return $content; 322 322 } 323 323 } else { … … 460 460 foreach my $i (0..$#{$binds}) { 461 461 $binds->[$i] = Encode::decode($state->db_encode_data, $binds->[$i], Encode::FB_HTMLCREF); 462 462 } 463 } elsif ( $DBD::Pg::VERSION >= '3' ) { 464 foreach my $i (0..$#{$binds}) { 465 $binds->[$i] = Encode::decode('utf-8', $binds->[$i], Encode::FB_HTMLCREF); 466 } 463 467 } 464 468 465 469 return $query, $binds; … … 525 529 push @binary_fields, scalar(@fields) if ($_->{db_type} eq 'bytea'); 526 530 if ($state->db_encode_data) { 527 531 push @values, Encode::decode($state->db_encode_data, $value, Encode::FB_HTMLCREF); 532 } elsif ($DBD::Pg::VERSION >= '3') { 533 push @values, Encode::decode('utf-8', $value, Encode::FB_HTMLCREF); 528 534 } else { 529 535 push @values, $value; 530 536 } … … 563 569 $sth->bind_param($_, undef, {pg_type => DBD::Pg::PG_BYTEA}); 564 570 } 565 571 unless ($sth->execute(@values, $self->{id})) { 566 $log->error("DBI execute error on $sql\n".Data::Dumper::Dumper(\@values)); 572 $log->error("DBI execute error on $sql\n".Data::Dumper::Dumper( $DBD::Pg::VERSION >= '3' ? Data::Recursive::Encode->encode_utf8( \@values ) : \@values )); 567 573 $sth->finish(); 568 574 return $self->t_abort(); 569 575 } … … 590 596 $sth->bind_param($_, undef, {pg_type => DBD::Pg::PG_BYTEA}); 591 597 } 592 598 unless ($sth->execute(@values)) { 593 $log->error("DBI execute error on $sql\n".Data::Dumper::Dumper(\@values)); 599 $log->error("DBI execute error on $sql\n".Data::Dumper::Dumper( $DBD::Pg::VERSION >= '3' ? Data::Recursive::Encode->encode_utf8( \@values ) : \@values )); 594 600 $sth->finish(); 595 601 return $self->t_abort(); 596 602 } -
36 36 $self->{db_password} = '@BASE_PASSWD@'; 37 37 $self->{db_port} = '@PGSQL_PORT@'; 38 38 $self->{db_prepare} = lc('@PGSQL_REAL_PREPARE@') eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0; 39 $self->{db_enable_utf8} = lc('@PGSQL_ENABLE_UTF@') eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0; 39 $self->{db_enable_utf8} = lc('@PGSQL_ENABLE_UTF@') eq 'yes' ? -1 : 0; 40 40 $self->{db_client_encoding} = '@PGSQL_CLIENT_ENCODING@'; 41 41 42 42 $self->{db_encode_data} = '@PGSQL_ENCODE_DATA@'; -
246 246 247 247 if (@$value) { 248 248 my $op = (ref($opts) eq 'HASH' and ($opts->{intersect} or $opts->{contains})) ? '@>' : '&&'; 249 # old versions DBD::Pg is SO STUPID!!!! 250 # if ($DBD::Pg::VERSION<1.49) { 251 # my $value_string = '{'.join(',',@{$value}).'}'; 252 # return [" ($field $op ?) "], [$value_string]; 253 # } else { 254 # all versions before 2.0.0 also stupid 255 if ($DBD::Pg::VERSION=~/^1\./) { 256 my $ph_string = '?, 'x$#{$value}.'?'; 249 if ($DBD::Pg::VERSION=~/^1\./) { 250 my $ph_string = '?, 'x$#{$value}.'?'; 257 251 return [" ($field $op ARRAY[$ph_string]::integer[]) "], $value; 258 252 } else { 259 return [" ($field $op ?::integer[]) "], [$value]; 260 } 253 return [" ($field $op ?::integer[]) "], [$value]; 254 } 261 255 } else { 262 256 return [' FALSE '], []; 263 257 }