Revision 634

2016/12/19 18:37:20
Revision Log:
Tag search



  • utf8/plugins/tag/comps/contenido/tag/ajax/find.html

    1 <% $json %>
    2 <%once>
    4 use JSON::XS;
    6 </%once>
    7 <%args>
    9 $id => undef
    10 $name => undef
    12 </%args>
    13 <%init>
    15 warn Dumper \%ARGS if $DEBUG;
    17 my %result;
    18 if ( $id && $id =~ /^\d+$/ || $name && length( Encode::decode('utf-8', $name) ) > 1 ) {
    19 my @tags = $keeper->get_documents(
    20 class => 'tag::Tag',
    21 status => 1,
    22 $id ? ( id => [$id] ) : (name => '%'.$name.'%'),
    23 ilike => 1,
    24 order_by => 'name',
    25 );
    26 $result{success} = 1;
    27 if ( @tags ) {
    28 $result{html} = Encode::decode('utf-8', $m->scomp('/contenido/tag/components/block_tag_list.msn', tags => \@tags) );
    29 } else {
    30 $result{html} = '';
    31 }
    32 } else {
    33 $result{error} = Encode::decode('utf-8', 'Недостаточные параметры для поиска тега');
    34 }
    35 my $json = encode_json \%result;
    37 </%init>
  • utf8/plugins/tag/comps/contenido/tag/components/block_tag_objects.msn

    30 30 </%doc>
    31 31 </tr>
    32 32 % }
    33 </table>
    33 34 % }
    34 35 </fieldset>
    35 36 <%args>
  • utf8/plugins/tag/comps/contenido/tag/components/block_tag_tabs.msn

    1 1 <script>
    2 2 $(function() {
    3 var nActiveTab = getCookie( 'tag_tab_index' ) || 0;
    3 4 $( "#tag_view_tabs" ).tabs({
    5 active: nActiveTab,
    4 6 beforeLoad: function( event, ui ) {
    5 7 {
    6 8 ui.panel.html(
    7 9 "Couldn't load this tab. We'll try to fix this as soon as possible. " +
    8 10 "If this wouldn't be a demo." );
    9 11 });
    12 },
    13 activate: function( event, ui ) {
    14 var nIndex = $(this).tabs( "option", "active" );
    15 setCookie( 'tag_tab_index', nIndex );
    10 16 }
    11 17 });
    18 $( "#tag-search" ).autocomplete({
    19 minLength : 2,
    20 source : '/contenido/ajax/document_search.html?class=tag::Tag',
    21 select : function( event, ui )
    22 {
    23 var item = ui.item;
    24 $('#tag-search-id').val( );
    25 $.ajax({
    26 'url' : '/contenido/tag/ajax/find.html',
    27 'data' : { 'id' : },
    28 'dataType' : 'json',
    29 'success' : function( data ) {
    30 if ( data.success ) {
    31 $('#tag-found').html( data.html );
    32 }
    33 }
    34 });
    35 },
    36 change : function( event, ui )
    37 {
    38 var sValue = $(this).val();
    39 if ( sValue == '' ) {
    40 $('#tag-search-id').val('');
    41 $('#tag-found').html('');
    42 }
    43 }
    44 });
    45 $('form[name=tag-search-form]').on('submit', function( ev ){
    46 ev.preventDefault();
    47 var oForm = $(this)[0];
    48 var sValue = oForm.elements['tag_search'].value;
    49 if ( sValue == '' ) {
    50 $('#tag-search-id').val('');
    51 $('#tag-found').html('');
    52 } else {
    53 $.ajax({
    54 'url' : '/contenido/tag/ajax/find.html',
    55 'data' : { 'name' : sValue },
    56 'dataType' : 'json',
    57 'success' : function( data ) {
    58 if ( data.success ) {
    59 $('#tag-found').html( data.html );
    60 }
    61 }
    62 });
    63 }
    64 });
    12 65 });
    13 66 </script>
    14 67 <div id="tag_view_tabs">
    20 73 % }
    21 74 </ul>
    22 75 <div id="tag_view_tabs-search">
    23 <p>Тут поисковая форма будет</p>
    76 <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" name="tag-search-form">
    77 <input type="hidden" name="tag_search_id" id="tag-search-id" value="" autocomplete="off">
    78 <div class="form-field">
    79 <div class="prompt">Название тега:</div>
    80 <input type="text" name="tag_search" id="tag-search" value="" autocomplete="off" style="width:85%; border:1px solid gray; padding:4px;"><input
    81 type="submit" class="search_btn" value="">
    82 </div>
    83 </form>
    84 <div id="tag-found"></div>
    24 85 </div>
    25 86 </div>
  • utf8/plugins/tag/comps/contenido/tag/components/form_tag_edit.msn

    13 13 var sName = oForm.elements['name'].value;
    14 14 var sAlias = oForm.elements['alias'].value;
    15 15 var nStatus = oForm.elements['status'].value;
    16 % if ( $state->{tag}->tag_structure eq 'tree' ) {
    16 17 var nPid = oForm.elements['pid'].value;
    18 % } else {
    19 var nPid = 0;
    20 % }
    17 21 $('#tag-edit-error-prompt').hide();
    18 22 $.ajax({
    19 23 'url' : '/contenido/tag/ajax/tag_store.html',
    62 66 <& /contenido/tag/components/inputs/tag_tree.msn, object => $object, name => 'pid', prop => $prop &>
    63 67 % }
    64 68 </div>
    69 % if ( exists $props{abstr} ) {
    70 % my $prop = $props{abstr};
    71 % my $type = $prop->{type};
    72 <div class="form-field">
    73 <div class="prompt"><% $prop->{rusname} %><span class="desc">| Attr=<% $prop->{attr} %>; Type=<% $prop->{type} %></span></div>
    74 <& "/contenido/components/inputs/$type.msn", object => $object, prop => $prop, name => 'abstr', check => $object->abstr &>
    75 </div>
    76 % }
    65 77 <div id="tag-edit-error-prompt" class="error-prompt" style="display:none;"></div>
    66 78 <div class="form-submit">
    67 79 <input id="tag-edit-submit" type="button" class="input_btn" value="Сохранить">
  • utf8/plugins/tag/comps/contenido/tag/i/css/styles.css

    15 15 .tag-plugin .error-prompt { margin:5px; padding:5px; }
    16 16
    17 17 .tag-plugin fieldset h3 { margin:5px 0; line-height:110%; }
    18 .tag-plugin fieldset h3 span { font-weight:normal; color:gray; }