Revision 637
- Date:
- 2017/01/01 20:51:20
- Files:
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1 <fieldset> 2 <legend>Отчет по купонам</legend> 3 <form name="searchdoc" action="coupons_report.html" method="GET" target="_blank"> 4 <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="6" class="tform"> 5 <tr><td><b>Выберите статус:</b></td></tr> 6 <tr><td><& "/contenido/components/select.msn", name=>'status', values => \@status_values, check => $status, style=>'width:100%;font-size:8pt;' &></td> 7 <%doc> 8 <tr><td><b>Сортировать:</b></td></tr> 9 <tr><td><& "/contenido/components/select.msn", name=>'sort', values => \@sorts, style=>'width:100%;font-size:8pt;' &></td> 10 <tr><td height="5"></td></tr> 11 </%doc> 12 <tr><td><b>Диапазон дат:</b></td></tr> 13 <tr><td><& "/contenido/components/inputs/date.msn", name => 'from' &></td></tr> 14 <tr><td><& "/contenido/components/inputs/date.msn", name => 'to' &></td></tr> 15 <tr><td><b>Отобразить:</b></td></tr> 16 <tr><td><& "/contenido/components/select.msn", name=>'show', values => \@shows, style=>'width:100%;font-size:8pt;' &></td> 17 <tr><td><input type="submit" value="Отобрать" class="btn"></td></tr> 18 </table> 19 </form> 20 </fieldset> 21 22 <%once> 23 24 my @sorts = ( 25 'id' => 'по номеру заказа', 26 'uid' => 'по пользователю', 27 ); 28 29 my @shows = ( 30 'html' => 'В виде HTML', 31 'tsv' => 'Tab-separated текст', 32 ); 33 34 my @status_values = ( 35 '', 'Без учета статуса', 36 '1', 'Активные', 37 '0', 'Неактивные', 38 '3', 'Использованные', 39 '2', 'Прототипы', 40 '4', 'Обработанные', 41 ); 42 43 </%once> 44 <%args> 45 46 $status => '' 47 48 </%args> 49 <%init> 50 51 my @props = webshop::Coupon->new($keeper)->structure; 52 my ($prop_status) = grep { $_->{attr} eq 'status' } @props; 53 54 my @coupons = ('' => 'без учета купонов'); 55 my $sql = "select id, name from webshop_coupons where class = 'webshop::Coupon' and ( status in (0, 4) or (status in (1,3) and pid = 0) ) order by status = 1 desc, status, dtime desc"; 56 my $que = $keeper->SQL->prepare($sql); 57 $que->execute(); 58 while ( my $ln = $que->fetchrow_hashref ) { 59 push @coupons, ($ln->{id}, $ln->{name}); 60 } 61 62 </%init> -
13 13 <tr valign="top"> 14 14 <td width="35%"> 15 15 16 <& /contenido/webshop/components/block_coupons.msn, status => $cst &> 17 <& /contenido/webshop/components/block_coupon_finder.msn, status => $cst &> 18 <& /contenido/webshop/components/block_order_id_finder.msn &> 16 19 <& /contenido/webshop/components/block_order_status_changer.msn &> 17 20 18 <& /contenido/webshop/components/block_coupons.msn, status => $cst &> 19 20 21 </td> 21 22 <td width="1%"> </td> 22 23 <td width="65%"> -
1 % if ( $show eq 'html' ) { 2 <& "/contenido/components/title.msn", %ARGS &> 3 % } 4 % if ( $errstr ) { 5 % if ( $show eq 'html' ) { 6 <p style="color:red;"><% $errstr %></p> 7 % } else { 8 % $m->out($errstr); 9 % } 10 % } else { 11 % if ( $show eq 'html' ) { 12 <fieldset> 13 <legend>Отобраны купоны</legend> 14 <table width="100%" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0" class="tform"> 15 <tr><td> 16 С даты: <b><% $from->dmy('.') %></b><br> 17 По дату: <b><% $to->dmy('.') %></b><br> 18 % if ( $status ) { 19 Со статусом: <b><% $status_opts{$status} %></b><br> 20 % } 21 </td></tr> 22 </table> 23 </fieldset> 24 % } else { 25 С даты <% $from->dmy('.') %> 26 По дату <% $to->dmy('.') %> 27 % if ( $status ) { 28 Со статусом <% $status_opts{$status} %> 29 % } 30 % } 31 % if ( @coupons ) { 32 % if ( $show eq 'html' ) { 33 <div style="padding:10px;"> 34 <table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" class="tlistdocs"> 35 <tr valign="top"> 36 <th rowspan="2">#</th> 37 <th rowspan="2">Название</th> 38 <th rowspan="2">Статус</th> 39 <th colspan="2">Активен</th> 40 <th rowspan="2">К-во заказов</th> 41 <th rowspan="2">Сумма заказов</th> 42 <th rowspan="2">Сумма скидки</th> 43 </tr> 44 <tr> 45 <th> с </th> 46 <th> по </th> 47 </tr> 48 % } else { 49 # Имя заказчика E-mail Тел. Сумма заказа Скидка Доставка Сумма общая Купоны 50 % } 51 % foreach my $coupon ( @coupons ) { 52 % my $begin = Contenido::DateTime->new( postgres => $coupon->dtime ); 53 % my $end = Contenido::DateTime->new( postgres => $coupon->etime ); 54 % my $status = exists $status_opts{$coupon->status} ? $status_opts{$coupon->status} : 'неизвестный ('.$coupon->status.')'; 55 % if ( $show eq 'html' ) { 56 <tr> 57 <td><a<% $coupon->contenido_status_style ? ' style="' . $coupon->contenido_status_style . '"' : '' %> class="<% $coupon->status ? '':'hiddensect' %>" 58 href="/contenido/webshop/coupon.html?id=<% $coupon->id %>"><% $coupon->id %></a></td> 59 <td><a<% $coupon->contenido_status_style ? ' style="' . $coupon->contenido_status_style . '"' : '' %> class="<% $coupon->status ? '':'hiddensect' %>" 60 href="/contenido/webshop/coupon.html?id=<% $coupon->id %>"><% $coupon->name %></a></td> 61 <td><% $status %></td> 62 <td><% $begin->dmy('.') %></td> 63 <td><% $end->dmy('.') %></td> 64 <td align="right"><% $coupon->{order_amount} %></td> 65 <td align="right"><% $coupon->{sum_total} %></td> 66 <td align="right"><% $coupon->{discount_total} %></td> 67 </tr> 68 % } else { 69 % $m->out( join ("\t", ($coupon->id, $coupon->name, $status, $begin->dmy('.'), $end->dmy('.'), $coupon->{order_amount}, $coupon->{sum_total}, $coupon->{discount_total}))."\t" ); 70 % $m->out("\n"); 71 % } 72 % } 73 % if ( $show eq 'html' ) { 74 </table> 75 </div> 76 % } 77 % } else { 78 % if ( $show eq 'html' ) { 79 <p>В данном диапазоне дат с учетом выбранных условий купоны не найдены</p> 80 % } else { 81 В данном диапазоне дат с учетом выбранных условий купоны не найдены 82 % } 83 % } 84 % } 85 86 % if ( $show eq 'html' ) { 87 </body> 88 </html> 89 % } 90 <%args> 91 92 $show => 'html' 93 $status => undef 94 95 $from_day => undef 96 $from_month => undef 97 $from_year => undef 98 99 $to_day => undef 100 $to_month => undef 101 $to_year => undef 102 103 </%args> 104 <%init> 105 106 if ( $show eq 'html' ) { 107 $r->content_type ("text/html; charset=utf-8"); 108 } else { 109 $r->content_type ("text/plain; charset=utf-8"); 110 } 111 my ($from, $to); 112 113 my $errstr; 114 my @props = webshop::Coupon->new( $keeper )->structure; 115 my ($status_prop) = grep { $_->{attr} eq 'status' } @props; 116 my %status_opts = map { $_->[0] => $_->[1] } @{$status_prop->{cases}}; 117 my $now = Contenido::DateTime->new; 118 if ( $from_day && $from_month && $from_year ) { 119 eval { $from = Contenido::DateTime->new( datetime => { day => $from_day, month => $from_month, year => $from_year } ) }; 120 } 121 if ( $to_day && $to_month && $to_year ) { 122 eval { $to = Contenido::DateTime->new( datetime => { day => $to_day, month => $to_month, year => $to_year } ) }; 123 } 124 $from = $now unless ref $from; 125 $to = $now unless ref $to; 126 if ( $from > $to ) { 127 $errstr = 'Неверно указан диапазон дат'; 128 } 129 my %opts = ( interval => [$from->ymd, $to->ymd] ); 130 if ( $status ) { 131 $opts{status} = $status; 132 } 133 134 my @coupons; 135 unless ( $errstr ) { 136 @coupons = $keeper->get_documents( 137 class => 'webshop::Coupon', 138 %opts, 139 order_by => 'etime desc', 140 ); 141 foreach my $coupon ( @coupons ) { 142 my $orders = $keeper->get_documents( 143 class => 'webshop::Order', 144 lclass => 'webshop::OrderCouponLink', 145 lsource => 'positive', 146 ldest => $coupon->id, 147 no_limit => 1, 148 order_by => 'ctime desc', 149 return_mode => 'array_ref', 150 ); 151 my ($sum, $discount) = (0,0); 152 foreach my $order( @$orders ) { 153 $sum += $order->sum; 154 $discount += $order->sum_discount; 155 156 } 157 $coupon->{order_amount} = scalar @$orders; 158 $coupon->{sum_total} = $sum; 159 $coupon->{discount_total} = $discount; 160 } 161 } 162 163 </%init>