Revision Log - %2Futf8%2Fcore%2FGNUmakefile /Contenido/log/utf8/core/GNUmakefile 2020-10-15T21:23:58 SVN::Web daily 1 1901-01-01T00:00+00:00 805 - New apache conf params /Contenido/revision?rev=805 ]]> ahitrov 2020-10-15T21:23:58 740 - in-core e-mail sender /Contenido/revision?rev=740
ahitrov 2018-11-12T22:03:41
662 - Start in foreground /Contenido/revision?rev=662
ahitrov 2017-08-24T17:17:14
655 - Headers cleaning /Contenido/revision?rev=655
ahitrov 2017-06-16T14:28:11
650 - GIT commands implementation /Contenido/revision?rev=650
ahitrov 2017-06-13T17:00:03
625 - project_install takes only 4 dirs and one file. .git is excluded also /Contenido/revision?rev=625
ahitrov 2016-11-21T16:09:03
614 - New commands: core_rsync (crs), project_assets (assets), project_assets_dev (... /Contenido/revision?rev=614 for NodeJS and rsync features implementation.

ahitrov 2016-11-02T17:22:49
365 - Watermark incapsulation /Contenido/revision?rev=365 ]]> ahitrov 2013-06-18T17:21:08 286 - Not fully tested commit - Linux (RedHat) installation /Contenido/revision?rev=286 ]]> ahitrov 2013-03-06T14:16:36 217 - 1. New serializer (JSON) and project param-key SERIALIZE_WITH = dumper|json 2... /Contenido/revision?rev=217 SERIALIZE_WITH = dumper|json
2. New port version
3. Plugin Skeleton updated
4. Text pre-formatting for WYSIWYG

ahitrov 2012-06-16T14:31:03
203 - New webfile storage option: FILE_WEB_STORAGE = Common|Separate Common - for N... /Contenido/revision?rev=203 FILE_WEB_STORAGE = Common|Separate
Common - for NFS
Separate - for independent front-ends
ahitrov 2012-04-05T13:03:54
8 - Contenido UTF-8 core files /Contenido/revision?rev=8 ]]> 2010-03-29T11:46:38