Revision 469 (by ahitrov, 2014/12/24 13:57:26) Moving Contenido to Apache 2

	use POSIX qw(strftime);

        #force refresh state... todo add ->refresh method to
        $project->restore($keeper, 1);

	my $context = $m->comp('/contenido/components/context.msn');

	my $set_context_name = 'set_context';
	if ($ARGS{$set_context_name} eq 'profile-admin' && !$user->check_group(1))

	if (exists $ARGS{$set_context_name})
		map {
			my ($n, $v) = split /-/;
			$m->comp('/contenido/components/context.msn', name => $n, value => $v);
		} split('/', $ARGS{$set_context_name});
	my $unset_context_name = 'unset_context';
	if (exists $ARGS{$unset_context_name})
		map {
			$m->comp('/contenido/components/context.msn', name => $_, delete => 1);
		} split('/', $ARGS{$unset_context_name});

	## Selected profile, actually
	$request->{tab} = {};

	## Default for 'profile'
	if (! (exists($context->{profile}) && (length($context->{profile}) > 0)))
		$m->comp('/contenido/components/context.msn', name => 'profile', value => 'rubricator');
	my $profile = $context->{profile} if exists $context->{profile};

	if (length $profile > 0)
		my $toopi = $project->tabs();
		if (ref($toopi) && exists($toopi->{$profile}))
			$request->{tab} = $toopi->{$profile};
