Revision 469 (by ahitrov, 2014/12/24 13:57:26) Moving Contenido to Apache 2

%	unless ($request->{images_staff_printed}) { # print that stuff only once per request ...
%		$request->{images_staff_printed} = 1;
div.toolbar {
	text-align: right;
	height: 20px;
	padding: 0 4px;
	font-family: Arial;
	font-size: 9pt
div.img_popup {
	border: 1px solid <% $pr->{main_border_color} %>;
	background: #fff;
	font: 10px Arial;
	text-align: center;
div.img_popup h1 {
	font: 11px Tahoma, Arial;
	margin: 0;
	height: <% $pr->{title_h} %>px;
	padding: 2px 4px;
	background: <% $pr->{main_border_color} %>;
	color: white;
	font-weight: bold;
div.img_popup div {
	height: <% $pr->{h} + $pr->{img_padd}*2 %>;
div.img_popup img {
	border: 0;
	margin: <% $pr->{img_padd} %>px;
	cursor: hand;
div.img_popup ul {
	padding: 2px;
	margin: 0;
	margin-bottom: 0px;
	height: <% $pr->{nav_h} %>;
div.img_popup ul li {
	padding: 1px 4px;
	margin: 0 3px;
	display: inline;
	border: 1px solid <% $pr->{nav_border_color} %>;
	background: #fff;
	cursor: hand;
div.img_popup ul li.a {
	background: #ddd;
div.img_popup input {
	margin: 0 5px 10px 5px;
	height: <% $pr->{butt_h} %>;
	width: 60px;
    border: 1px solid <% $pr->{butt_border_color} %>;
    background: #ddd;

function storeCaret(element) {
	if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
		element.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();

function insertText(text, el) {
	if (el && el.caretPos) {
	} else if (el && el.caretPos && el.selectionStart+1 && el.selectionEnd+1) {
	} else if (el) {
		// in Mozilla and clones works only that...
		el.value = text + el.value;

function img_popup(name, meta) {
	// try to restore popup ...
	var popup = document.getElementById("img_" +name);
	if (popup) {
		if ( != 'none') {
		} else {
	// or create new one ...
	} else {
		img_popup_create(name, meta);

function img_popup_create(name, meta) {
	// current text field ...
	var textarea = eval('document.form.' + name);

	// create popup ...
	var popup = document.createElement('div');
	popup.className = 'img_popup';
	popup.setAttribute("id", "img_" + name);
	var st =;

	// allocate popup in text field area ...
	var origin = textarea, p_top = 0, p_left = 0, p_width = 0, p_height = 0;
	while (origin) {
		p_top     += origin.offsetTop;
		p_left    += origin.offsetLeft;
		origin   = origin.offsetParent;
	// calculate coords ...
	p_width = <% $pr->{w} + $pr->{img_padd}*2 + 2 %>;
	p_height = <% $pr->{h} + $pr->{img_padd}*2 + 12 + $pr->{title_h} + $pr->{nav_h} + $pr->{butt_h} %>;
	p_left += (textarea.offsetWidth - p_width)/2;
	p_top += 20;

	// apply coords ...
	st.width = p_width + 'px';
	st.height = p_height + 'px';
	st.left = p_left + 'px';
    st.position = 'absolute'; = p_top + 'px';

	// create content of popup ...

	var img = eval('imgs_for_' + name);

	var img_html = '<img id="img_src_' + name + '" src="' + img[0][0] + '" alt="' + img[0][4] + '" title="�������� ��� ��������">';

	var html = '<h1>������� ��������</h1>' + '<div>' + img_html + '</div>' + '<ul>';
	for (i=0;i<img.length;i++) {
		html += '<li class="' + (i == 0 ? 'a' : '') + '" id="li_' + name + i + '"onclick="ch_img(this, \'' + name + '\', ' + i + ')">' + (i+1) + '</li>';
		if (i == 7 || i == 15) {html += '</ul><ul>'}
	html += '</ul><input type="button" id="insert_' + name + '" value="��������" title="�������� ��� ��������"><input type="button"  id="cancel_' + name + '" value="������" title="������� ����"><input type="hidden" id="' + name + '_curr_img" value="0">';

	// push content intop popup ...
	popup.innerHTML = html;

	// add iteractivity ...
	var img_tag = document.getElementById("img_src_" + name);
	var insert = document.getElementById("insert_" + name);
	var cancel = document.getElementById("cancel_" + name);
	add_handler(textarea, 'click', function () { hide_obj(popup) });
	add_handler(cancel,   'click', function () { hide_obj(popup) });
	add_handler(insert,   'click', function () { insert_img_code(name, textarea, meta); hide_obj(popup) });
	add_handler(img_tag,  'click', function () { insert_img_code(name, textarea, meta); hide_obj(popup) });

function insert_img_code(name, textarea, meta) {
	var img = eval('imgs_for_' + name);
	var hidden = document.getElementById(name + '_curr_img');
	if (hidden && textarea) {
		var n = hidden.value; n = eval(n);
		var text = meta ? '<img name="' + img[n][5] + '_' + eval(n+1) + '">' : '<img src="' + img[n][1] + '" width="' + img[n][2] + '" height="' + img[n][3] + '" alt="' + img[n][4] + '">';
		insertText(text, textarea);

function add_handler(element, event_type, func) {
	if (element.attachEvent) {                  // IE
		element.attachEvent('on' + event_type, func);
	} else if (element.addEventListener) {      // W3C
		element.addEventListener(event_type, func, false);
	} else {                                    // should not happen
		element['on' + event_type] = func;

function show_obj(obj) { = 'block'; obj.hidden = false;

function hide_obj(obj) { = 'none'; obj.hidden = true;

function ch_img(li, name, n) {
	var img = eval('imgs_for_' + name);
	// unselect all image selectors ...
	for (i=0;i<img.length;i++) {var l = document.getElementById('li_' + name + i); l.className = "";}
	// select current selector ...
	li.className = "a";
	// change image ...
	var i = document.getElementById("img_src_" + name); i.src = img[n][0]; i.alt = img[n][4];
	// store current selected image ...
	var hidden = eval(name + '_curr_img');	hidden.value = n;

%	}
var imgs_for_<% $name %> = [<% join ", ", map {'["'.$_->mname.'", "'.$_->name.'", '.$_->w.', '.$_->h.', "'.$_->alt.'", "'.$_->{main_attr}.'"]'} @images %>];
<div class="toolbar">[&nbsp;<a href="" onclick="img_popup('<% $name %>', <% $meta ? 1 : 0 %>); return false">�������� ��������</a>&nbsp;]</div>

	$object	=> undef
	$name	=> undef
	$attrs	=> undef
	$meta	=> undef


	return unless ref $object;

	# needed images ...
	my %attrs = map {$_ => 1} ref $attrs eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$attrs} : ($attrs);

	my @struct = grep {$attrs{$_->{attr}}} $object->structure;

	my @images;
	# get an images ...
	for my $prop (@struct) {
		if ($prop->{type} eq 'images') {
			my @i = $object->get_pics($prop->{attr});
			$_->{main_attr} = $prop->{attr} for @i;
			push @images, @i;
		} elsif ($prop->{type} eq 'image') {
			my $i = $object->get_pic($prop->{attr}); next unless ref $i;
			$i->{main_attr} = $prop->{attr};
			push @images, $i;

	return unless @images;

	# max dimensions of image (for calculating popup size) ...
	my ($w, $h);
	for my $img (@images) {
		$w = $img->mw if $img->mw > $w;
		$h = $img->mh if $img->mh > $h;

	# properties ...
	my $pr = {
		w					=> $w,
		h					=> $h,
		img_padd			=> 10,
		title_h				=> 20,
		nav_h				=> 30,
		butt_h				=> 20,
		main_border_color	=> '#777',
		nav_border_color	=> '#aaa',
		butt_border_color	=> '#999',
