Revision 469 (by ahitrov, 2014/12/24 13:57:26) |
Moving Contenido to Apache 2
<select name="<% $name %>"<% $prop->{multiple} && ' multiple' %><% $prop->{size} && ' size="'.$prop->{size}.'"' %>>
% if ($prop->{allow_null}) {
<option value="" <% defined $check ? '' : 'selected' %>>--- �� ������� ---</option>
% }
% for my $chain (@chains) {
% my $selected = defined $chain && ( ref $check eq 'ARRAY' ? grep { $_ eq $chain } @$check : $check eq $chain ? 1 : 0 );
% $found++ if $selected;
<option value="<% $chain %>"<% $selected && ' selected' %>><% $chain %></option>
% }
% #if used not allowed value
% if ( $check and not $found ) {
<option value="<% $check %>" selected style="color:red;"><% $check %></option>
% }
$prop => undef
$name => undef
$values => []
$check => undef
$options => undef
my $found = 0;
my @chains = ();
if ( ref $options && exists $options->{$name} ) {
@chains = @{ $options->{$name} };