Revision 3 (by, 2010/03/24 15:19:32) The CORE
%# vim:syn=mason:
%   index_tree( $sect->{$root}, 0, \$line, $level, $mode, $profile, $width_limit, $root );

    $root => 1
    $level => 3
    $mode => 1
    $width_limit => undef
    $avail_classes	=> undef

    my $profile = $m->comp('/contenido/components/context.msn', name => 'profile');

    sub index_tree
        my ($sect, $offset, $line_ref, $count_offset, $viewmode, $profile, $width_limit, $root) = @_;
        my $section_access = $user->section_accesses($user, $sect->{id});

        my $spacer = '';
        for(my $c=1; $c<$offset; $c++)
            $spacer = $spacer.(($c == $offset-1) ? '&nbsp;&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;&nbsp;' : '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;');
        if( ref $sect && $sect->id && ($sect->id != 1) && ($offset != 0) && $section_access > 0)

            my $href = 'sections.html?id='.$sect->id;

            my $sname = $sect->name();
            $sname =~ s/<\/?.+?>//g;
            $sname = substr($sname, 0, $width_limit - $offset).' ...' if defined $width_limit && $offset + length($sname) > $width_limit;
	    my $statstyle = $sect->contenido_status_style ? ' style="' . $sect->contenido_status_style . '"' : '';
	    my @properties = $sect->structure();
	    my ($statprop) = grep { $_->{attr} eq 'status' } @properties;
	    my ($statcase) = grep { $_->[0] == $sect->status } @{$statprop->{cases}}	if exists $statprop->{cases} && ref $statprop->{cases} eq 'ARRAY';
	    my $statname = $statcase->[1]						if ref $statcase;
            my $html_sect = '<span'.($statstyle).(!$sect->status ? ' class="hiddensect"' : '').'>'.($section_access ? '<a href="'.$href.'"'.$statstyle.'>' : '').$sname.'&nbsp;' . ($section_access ? '</a>' : '') . '&nbsp;'.($sect->status != 1 && $statname ? '&nbsp;<span style="font-size:12px;">('.$statname.')</span>' : '').'</span>';
            my $style = ($offset == 1) ? ($viewmode ? ' style="font-size:110%;"':' style="font-size:95%;"') : '';

<td align="right">&nbsp;${$line_ref}&nbsp;<a href="section.html?id=$sect->{id}&move=up&ret=$root"><img src="/contenido/i/ico-up-9x10.gif" border=0 alt="����������� ������ �� ��� �����"></a>&nbsp;<a href="section.html?id=$sect->{id}&move=down&ret=$root"><img src="/contenido/i/ico-down-9x10.gif" border=0 alt="����������� ������ �� ��� ����"></a></td>
<td><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
    <tr valign="top">
    <td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
    <td nowrap $style>$html_sect</td>

            if ($viewmode)
                my $fhref = '/contenido/?set_context=filter-'.$sect->id();
                my $new_doc_class = $sect->default_document_class;
                $m->out(qq^\n<td align="center" nowrap><a href="$fhref">���.������</a>^);
                $m->out(qq^&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="document.html?sect_id=$sect->{id}&class=$new_doc_class">���.�����</a>^) if $section_access == 2 and $new_doc_class;

        my $childs = $sect->{children} || [];
        if( ref($childs) && @$childs && $offset < $count_offset )
            foreach my $child (@$childs)
                next    if (! $request->{cCLASSES}->{$child->class()});
                index_tree( $child, $offset, $line_ref, $count_offset, $viewmode, $profile, $width_limit, $root );

    $request->{cCLASSES} = {};
    my @avail_classes;
    if ( ref $avail_classes eq 'ARRAY' && @$avail_classes ) {
	map { $request->{cCLASSES}->{$_} = 1 } @$avail_classes;
	@avail_classes = @$avail_classes;
    } elsif (ref($request->{tab}->{sections})) {
	map { $request->{cCLASSES}->{$_} = 1 } (@{ $request->{tab}->{sections} });
	return undef    if (scalar(keys(%{ $request->{cCLASSES} })) == 0);
	@avail_classes = keys( %{ $request->{cCLASSES} } );
    push @avail_classes, 'Contenido::Section'		unless exists $request->{cCLASSES}{'Contenido::Section'};
    my $sect = $keeper->get_section_tree(root=>$root, class => \@avail_classes);
    return undef unless ref $sect && exists $sect->{$root};


    my $line = 0;
