% if ( ref $link_class eq 'ARRAY' ) {
����������� �������
% } elsif ( $link_class ) {
����� <% $link_class %>\
% if ($use_section) {
c ������ ������� ������\
% }
% } else {
� �������\
% }
% if ($total > 0) {
(�����: <% $total %>, �������� � <% $first + 1 %> �� <% ($first + $n > $total) ? $total : $first + $n %>)
% }
% if ( ref $link_class eq 'ARRAY' && @$link_class ) {
<div class="textnorm"><b>��������� ������:</b><br>
% if ( scalar @desired_class == 1 ) {
<b style="color:olive;"><% $desired_class[0] %></b>
% } else {
% my $i = 0;
% foreach my $dclass ( @desired_class ) {
% $m->out (', ') if $i++;
% if ( $restrict_class eq $dclass ) {
<b style="color:olive;"><% $desired_class[0] %></b>
% } else {
<a href="?class=<% $class %>&restrict_class=<% $dclass %>"><% $dclass %></a>
% }
% }
% }
% }
% if ( $total or defined $alpha or defined $search ) {
<div style="font-size:75%; font-family:Arial;">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%" style="margin:4px 0 0; border:1px solid gray;">
<tr bgcolor="#e0e0e0"><th colspan="4">����� �� �����: [<a href="?class=<% $class %>" style="font-weight:normal;">����� �������</a>]</th></tr>
<tr><td style="font-size:75%; font-family:Arial; padding:2px 4px;">
<& /inc/alpha.msn, alpha=>$alpha, params=>\%ARGS, &>
% ## ����� ������. �������� ��� ���������� ������� ������
% ## � ��������� ��� ������ ������� search_fields
% ########################################################
% if ( $filter{class} && (!ref $filter{class} || ( ref $filter{class} eq 'ARRAY' && scalar @{ $filter{class} } == 1 ) ) ) {
% my $search_class = ref $filter{class} eq 'ARRAY' ? $filter{class}->[0] : $filter{class};
% my $document = $search_class->new ($keeper);
% my @fields = $document->search_fields;
% if ( @fields ) {
% my @props = $document->required_properties;
<form action="<% $dest_class ? 'destination' : 'source' %>.html">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%" style="margin:4px 0; border:1px solid gray;">
<tr bgcolor="#e0e0e0"><th colspan="4">����� �� ����: [<a href="?class=<% $class %>" style="font-weight:normal;">����� �������</a>]</th></tr><tr>
<td width="1%" nowrap style="padding:2px 0 2px 4px;"><select name="search_by">
% foreach my $field ( @fields ) {
% my ($prop) = grep { $_->{'attr'} eq $field } @props;
% my $selected = $field eq $search_by ? ' selected' : '';
<option value="<% $field %>"<% $selected %>><% $prop->{'rusname'} %>
% }
</td><td width="0">:</td>
<td width="98%"><input type="text" name="search" value="<% $search %>" style="width:100%"></td>
<td width="1%" style="padding:2px 4px 2px 0;"><input type="submit" value=" » " style="border:1px solid gray;"></td>
% if ( $id ) {
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<% $id %>">
% }
% if ( $class ) {
<input type="hidden" name="class" value="<% $class %>">
% }
% if ( $use_section ) {
<input type="hidden" name="use_section" value="<% $use_section %>">
% }
% }
% }
<div style="height:5px"><spacer type="block" height="5"></div>
<& /inc/pages_.msn, p=>$p, n=>$n, total=>$total, params=>\%ARGS, &>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" class="tlistdocs">
<tr bgcolor="#efefef">
% foreach (@columns) {
<th><% $_->{rusname} %></th>
% }
% foreach my $document (@documents) {
% next unless ref($document);
% my $document_access = $user->section_accesses($user, $document->section);
<tr valign="top">
% for my $col (@columns) {
% if ($col->{attr} eq '_sort_') {
<td width="20px"><% $document->{sorder} %> <a href="document_move.html?id=<% $document->{id} %>&move=up&s=<% $id %>&p=<% $p %>"><img src="/contenido/i/ico-up-9x10.gif" border=0 alt="����������� �������� �� ��� �����"></a> <a href="document_move.html?id=<% $document->{id} %>&move=down&s=<% $id %>&p=<% $p %>"><img src="/contenido/i/ico-down-9x10.gif" border=0 alt="����������� �������� �� ��� ����"></a>\
% } elsif ($col->{attr} eq 'dtime') {
<td nowrap><& "/contenido/components/show_dtime.msn", dtime=>$document->{dtime} &>\
% if ($document->{ctime} ne $document->{mtime}) {
% my $colortime = '#c66';
<div style="color:<% $colortime %>;"><& "/contenido/components/show_dtime.msn", dtime=>$document->{mtime} &></div>\
% }
% } elsif ($col->{attr} eq 'name') {
<td><span class="<% $document->status ? '':'hiddensect' %>">\
% my $name=$document->name ? $document->name : '���������� �������� N'.$document->id;
% $name =~ s/'/\\'/g;
% $name =~ s/"/"/g;
% if ($document_access == 2) {
<a href="#" onclick="<% $dest_class ? 'AppendDest' : 'AppendSource' %>(<% $document->id %>, '<% $document->class %>','<% $name %>');"><% $name %> </a>\
% } else {
<% $name %> \
% }
% } elsif ($col->{attr} eq 'id') {
<td><span class="<% $document->status ? '':'hiddensect' %>">\
% if ($document_access == 2) {
<a href="document.html?id=<% $document->id %>&class=<% $document->class %>"><% $document->id %> </a>\
% } else {
<% $document->id %> \
% }
% } elsif ($col->{attr} eq 'class') {
<td><% $document->class_name %> <font color="#999999">(<% $document->class %>)</font>\
% } elsif ($col->{type} eq 'datetime') {
<td nowrap><& "/contenido/components/show_dtime.msn", dtime=>$document->{$col->{attr}} &>\
% } elsif ($col->{attr} eq '_act_') {
% if ($document_access == 2) {
% my $name=$document->name ? $document->name : '���������� �������� N'.$document->id;
% $name =~ s/'/\\'/g;
% $name =~ s/"/"/g;
<a href="#" onclick="<% $dest_class ? 'AppendDest' : 'AppendSource' %>(<% $document->id %>, '<% $document->class %>', '<% $name %>');">�������</a>\
% } else {
% }
% } else {
% if ($col->{type} eq 'date') {
% my $date=$document->{$col->{attr}};
% $date=~/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/;
<td nowrap align="right"><% $1 || ' ' %>\
% } elsif ($col->{type} eq 'datetime') {
<td nowrap align="right"><% $document->{$col->{attr}} || ' ' %>\
% } elsif ($col->{type} eq 'integer') {
<td align="right"><% $document->{$col->{attr}} %> \
% } elsif ($col->{type} eq 'lookup') {
<td align="left">\
% my $id = $document->{$col->{attr}};
% if ($id) {
% my ($doc)=$keeper->get_documents( ( ref($col->{lookup_opts}) ? %{$col->{lookup_opts}} : () ), id=>$id);
% if ($doc) {
<a href="document.html?id=<% $doc->id %>&class=<% $doc->class %>"><% $doc->name || $doc->id %></a> \
% } else {
<span class="hiddensect"><% $document->{$col->{attr}} %>???</span>\
% }
% } else {
<span class="hiddensect">NULL</span>\
% }
% } elsif ($col->{type} eq 'status') {
% my $status_map = ref $col->{cases} eq 'ARRAY' ? $col->{cases} : $keeper->default_status();
% my ($doc_status) = grep { $_->[0] == $document->{$col->{attr}} } @$status_map;
% $doc_status ||= [$document->{$col->{attr}}, '�����������'];
<td nowrap><% $doc_status->[1].'('.$doc_status->[0].')' %>\
% } else {
<td><% defined($document->{$col->{attr}}) ? $document->{$col->{attr}} : ' ' %>\
% }
% }
% } #- for @columns
% } #- foreach @documents
<div style="font-size:75%; font-family:Arial;">
<& /inc/pages_.msn, p=>$p, n=>$n, total=>$total, params=>\%ARGS, &>
<div style="height:5px"><spacer type="block" height="5"></div>
% } else {
<h4 align="center"><i>---- ��� ���������� -----</i></h4>
% }
$id => 1
$p => 1
$class => undef
$source_class => undef
$dest_class => undef
$use_section => undef
$alpha => undef
$alpha_search => undef
$search_by => undef
$search => undef
$restrict_class => undef
my @desired_class = @{ $source_class || $dest_class };
my $link_class = []; @$link_class = map { $_ } @desired_class;
if ( ref $link_class eq 'ARRAY' && scalar @$link_class > 1 && $restrict_class ) {
@$link_class = grep { $_ eq $restrict_class } @$link_class;
my $owner;
# ��������...
if ($id && ($id > 0)) {
$owner = $keeper->get_section_by_id($id);
if (! ref($owner)) {
return undef;
# ������� �������� � ����� ������...
my $filter = $m->comp('/contenido/components/context.msn', name => 'filter');
my $profile = $m->comp('/contenido/components/context.msn', name => 'profile');
unless (defined $request->{section_accesses}->{$id}) {
$request->{section_accesses}->{$id} = $user->get_section_access($id);
my $section_access = $request->{section_accesses}->{$id};
my (@documents, $total);
my $s = $owner->id;
my $sorted = $owner->_sorted();
$s .= ",$filter" if ($filter > 0);
my %filter=();
my %order = (not $link_class and $owner->order_by) ? (order_by => $owner->order_by) : (order => ['date','direct']);
if ($alpha) {
$filter{ $alpha_search || 'name' }="$alpha%";
delete $order{order_by};
$filter{class} = $owner->default_document_class if $owner->default_document_class;
$filter{class}=$link_class if ($link_class || (ref $link_class eq 'ARRAY' && @$link_class) );
$filter{s}=$s unless ($link_class && !$use_section);
if ( $search_by && $search ) {
$filter{ilike} = 1;
$total = $keeper->get_documents(%filter, count=>1);
my $n = 40;
my $first = $n * ($p - 1);
($first,$p)=(0,0) if ($first>$total);
if ($link_class && !$use_section) {
@documents = $keeper->get_documents(%filter, %order, limit=>$n, offset=>$first, light=>1);
} elsif ($sorted) {
@documents = $keeper->get_sorted_documents(%filter, limit=>$n, offset=>$first, light=>1);
} else {
@documents = $keeper->get_documents(%filter, %order, limit=>$n, offset=>$first, light=>1);
# ����� ������� ������� ����������...
my @columns;
#�������� �� 1 ����������� ��������� (���� ������� ���� � �������)
if (@documents and (ref $documents[0])) {
@columns = $sorted ? ({attr => '_sort_', name => 'N'}) : ();
# �������� ����� �������, ������� �������� ��� ������� �������� (required_properties -> column)...
push @columns,
sort {$a->{column} <=> $b->{column}}
grep {$_->{column}} $documents[0]->structure;
# ����������� ����� �������...
@columns = (@columns,
{attr => '_act_', rusname => '��������'},