Revision 186 (by ahitrov, 2012/02/14 19:17:08) Coloring of links and connected documents
<& "/contenido/components/title.msn" &>
<div style="font:bold 13px Verdana; margin:4px;">�����: <span style="color:teal;"><% $class %></span>
<span style="font:11px Verdana;">(<a href="document.html?class=<% $class %>&<% $field %>=<% $id %><% $defaults %>" target="_blank">������� �����</a>)</span></div>
% if ( ref $docs eq 'ARRAY' && @$docs ) {
%	if ($total > $size) {
<div style="font-size:12px; font-family:Arial; text-align:center;">
<& /inc/pages_.msn, p => $p, n => $size, total => $total, params => {%ARGS} &></div>
%	}
%	my @props = sort { $a->{column} <=> $b->{column} } grep { exists $_->{column} } $docs->[0]->required_properties;
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" class="tlistdocs">
<tr bgcolor="#efefef">
%	foreach my $prop (@props) {
<th><% $prop->{rusname} %></th>
%	}
%	foreach my $doc (@$docs) {
%		my $document_access = $user->section_accesses($user, $doc->section);
%		my $color = $doc->contenido_status_style ? $doc->contenido_status_style : 
%				$doc->status == 1 ? 'color:blue;' :
%				$doc->status == 0 ? 'color:gray;' : 'color:blue;';
%		my ($a1, $a2) = $document_access == 2 ? ('<a href="document.html?id='.$doc->id.'&class='.$doc->class.'" style="'.$color.'" target="_blank">', '</a>') : ('','');
%#		my ($stat) = grep { $_->{attr} eq 'status' } @props;
%#		my ($case) = grep { $_->[0] == $banner->status } @{ $stat->{cases} }	if ref $stat eq 'HASH' && exists $stat->{cases};
%		foreach my $prop (@props) {
%			my $attr = $prop->{attr};
%			if ( $attr =~ /dtime/ ) {
<td><% $a1 %><& "/contenido/components/show_dtime.msn", dtime => $doc->$attr &><% $a2 %></td>
%			}else{
<td><% $a1.$doc->$attr.$a2 %></td>
%			}
%		}
<td nowrap>\
%		if ($document_access == 2) {
<a href="document_fast_delete.html?id=<% $doc->id %>&class=<% $doc->class %>" onclick="return confirm('������� ��������?');" title="������� ��������"><img
 src="/contenido/i/actions/delete.gif" width="14" height="17" alt="������� ��������" align="absmiddle" border="0" hspace="1"></a>\
%		}
%	}
% }
%#<pre><% Dumper($docs->[0]->required_properties) %></pre>
	$id	=> undef
	$filter	=> undef
	$field	=> undef
	$from	=> undef
	$to	=> undef
	$class	=> undef
	$order_by	=> undef
	$p	=> 1

  my ($docs, $total);
  my $defaults = '';
  my $size = 15;
  if ( $id && $filter && $class ) {
	my %opts = ();
	$opts{$filter} = $id;
	$opts{order_by} = $order_by	if $order_by;
	$docs = $keeper->get_documents (
		class		=> $class,
		return_mode	=> 'array_ref',
		offset		=> ($p-1)*$size,
		limit		=> $size,
	delete $opts{order_by};
	$total = $keeper->get_documents (
		class		=> $class,
		count		=> 1,
  } else {
  if ( defined $from && defined $to ) {
	if ( ref $from eq 'ARRAY' && ref $to eq 'ARRAY' && (scalar @$from == scalar @$to) ) {
		for ( 0..(scalar @$from - 1) ) {
			$defaults .= '&'.$from->[$_].'='.$to->[$_];
	} elsif ( !ref $from && !ref $to ) {
		$defaults .= '&'.$from.'='.$to;
