Revision 3 (by, 2010/03/24 15:19:32) The CORE
package SQL::ProtoTable;

use strict;
use SQL::Common;
use Contenido::Globals;
#���������� ��������������� �������
#� �������� ������������
use base qw(SQL::CommonFilters SQL::AutoTable);

sub new {
	my $class=shift;
	my $self={};
	bless ($self,$class);
	return $self;

#most tables have extra table
sub have_extra {
	return 1;

#most tables dont use single class mode
sub _single_class {
	return undef;

#most tables have _auto disabled
sub _auto {
	return 0;

sub available_filters {
	return ();

#todo ����������� hardcoded 'id' �� ������ id_field ��� ��� ��� ��������������
sub id_field {
	return 'id';

sub extra_table {
	my $self=shift;
	return $self->db_table().'_extra';

sub _get_object_key {
	my ($self,$item,$id) = @_;
	return ref($item) ? ref($item).'|'.$item->id : $item.'|'.$id;

# ������� � ����������� ����������, ���������� ������������ ������.
# ������ name, �� undef ������������ ��� �������� �������� �� memcached -
# � ���� ������ ��������� � ����������� ����� �������� �� ����� ��������
# ��������� �����������.
sub unique_attr {
    return undef;

sub _get_object_unique_key {
	my ($self, $item, $value) = @_;
    my $attr = $self->unique_attr;
    return undef unless defined $attr;
            ? ref($item) . '|' . $attr . '|' . $item->$attr
            : $item . '|' . $attr . '|' . $value;

sub required_hash {
	my $self = shift;
	my $class = ref $self || $self;
	return unless scalar $self->required_properties();
		no strict 'refs';
		if ( ref( ${ $class.'_required_hash' } ) eq 'HASH' ) {
			return ${ $class.'::_required_hash' };
		} else {
			my $struct;
			foreach my $field ( $self->required_properties() ) {
				$struct->{$field->{attr}} = $field;
			${ $class.'::_required_hash' } = $struct;
			return $struct;
		use strict;

sub _get_fields {
	my $self =shift;
	my @fields;
	foreach ($self->required_properties()) {
		next if ($_->{attr} eq 'class' or $_->{attr} eq 'id');
		next unless ($_->{db_field});
		push @fields, ($_->{no_prefix_db_field} ? '' : 'd.') . $_->{db_field};
	return @fields;

sub _get_orders {
	my $self =shift;
	my %opts=@_;

	my $rh = $self->required_hash();

	if (exists($opts{order})) {
		if (ref($opts{order}) eq 'ARRAY' and scalar(@{$opts{order}})==2) {
			my $order = ($opts{order}->[1] eq 'reverse') ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
			if (lc($opts{order}->[0]) eq 'id') {
				return " ORDER BY $order";
			} elsif (lc($opts{order}->[0]) eq 'date') {
				my $field = $opts{usedtime};
				$field =~ s/^d\.(.*)$/$1/;
				if ($rh->{$field}) {
					return " ORDER BY $opts{usedtime} $order";
				} else {
					warn "Contenido Warning: attempt sort by $opts{usedtime} but no $field field in db...";
					return undef;
			} elsif(lc($opts{order}->[0]) eq 'name') {
				if ($rh->{name}) {
					return " ORDER BY $order";
				} else {
					warn "Contenido Warning: attempt sort by 'name' but no 'name' field in db...";
					return undef;
			} else {
				warn "Contenido Warning: �� ������ ������ ���������� �������� ������ �� ���� id ��� ���� ��� �����.";
		} else {
                	my $mason_comp = ref($HTML::Mason::Commands::m) ? $HTML::Mason::Commands::m->current_comp() : undef;
                	my $mason_file = ref($mason_comp) ? $mason_comp->path : undef;
                	warn "WARNING: $$ ".__PACKAGE__."  ".scalar(localtime()).($mason_file ? " called from $mason_file " : ' ').'�������� ������ ������� ����������. ��� ������ ���� ������ �� ������ � ����� ������ - ��������� ������� � ������������ ����������, �� ����� �����: '.Data::Dumper::Dumper($opts{order})."\n";
	#custom hand made order
	} elsif ($opts{order_by}) {
		return " ORDER BY $opts{order_by}";
	return "";

#�������� 2 ���� ��������... ������ ������ ������� ����� � self->available_filters � �������������� ������� ����������� �� ������ ��������� ������� � ����
sub apply_filters {
	my ($self, $opts) = @_;

	unless (exists $opts->{usedtime}) {
		$opts->{usedtime} = 'd.dtime';
		$opts->{usedtime} = 'd.mtime'	if (exists($opts->{use_mtime}) && $opts->{use_mtime}==1);
		$opts->{usedtime} = 'd.ctime'	if (exists($opts->{use_ctime}) && $opts->{use_ctime}==1);

	#��������� ������������� ������ �������� � ��������
	#ToDo ������� �������� ��� ������� ������ SQL::FilterSet
	my $filter_set = {wheres=>[], binds=>[], joins=>[], join_binds=>[]};

	no strict 'refs';

	#main loop on allowed filters
	my $available_filters = $self->available_filters();
	foreach my $filter (@$available_filters) {
		$self->_add_filter_results($filter_set, $self->$filter(%$opts));
	#loop on autofilters
	my $filters = ${(ref($self)||$self).'::filters'} || {};
	foreach my $key (keys %$opts) {
		$self->_add_filter_results($filter_set, &{$filters->{$key}}($opts->{$key}, $opts)) if ($filters->{$key});
	#apply sort_join (� ����� ����� ����� ��� joins ����������)
	$self->_add_filter_results($filter_set, $self->_sort_join($opts));

	return $filter_set;

#������ �������� � $filter_set
sub _add_filter_results {
	my ($self, $filter_set, $where, $bind, $join, $join_bind) = @_;
        push @{$filter_set->{wheres}},   	$where && ref($where) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$where : $where || ();
        push @{$filter_set->{binds}},    	$bind &&  ref($bind)  eq 'ARRAY' ? @$bind  : $bind  || ();
        push @{$filter_set->{joins}},    	$join &&  ref($join)  eq 'ARRAY' ? @$join  : $join  || ();
        push @{$filter_set->{join_binds}},	$join_bind && ref($join_bind) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$join_bind : $join_bind || ();

sub _sort_join {
	my ($self, $opts) = @_;
	return undef unless ($opts->{sort_list} and $opts->{no_order} and (ref($opts->{sort_list}) eq 'ARRAY') and @{$opts->{sort_list}});
	#����������� ���� ��� ������ �� ��� ���� ����� ����� �� order_tabl.pos �����������
	$opts->{_sort_join_used} = 1;
	my $value = $opts->{sort_list};
	my $ph_string = '?, 'x$#{$value}.'?';
        return (undef,undef,[" left outer join (select (ARRAY[$ph_string]::integer[])[pos] as id,pos from generate_series(1,?) as pos) as order_table on "], [@$value, $#{$value}+1]);

sub get_fields {
	my ($self, $opts, $joins) = @_;

	my $fields;
	if ($opts->{names}) {
		#possible incompatible with custom tables if not exist 'name' field
		$fields = ['',''];
	} elsif ($opts->{ids}) {
		$fields = [''];
	} elsif ($opts->{field}) {
		if (ref($opts->{field}) eq 'ARRAY') {
			$fields = [ map {/\./ ? $_:'d.'.$_} @{$opts->{field}} ];
		} else {
			$fields = [ $opts->{field} =~ /\./ ? $opts->{field}:'d.'.$opts->{field} ];
	} elsif ($opts->{count}) {
		$fields = [$opts->{distinct} ? 'COUNT (DISTINCT':'COUNT('];
	} else {
		if ($self->_single_class) {
			$fields = ["'".$self->_single_class."'", '', $self->_get_fields()];
		} else {
			$fields = ['d.class', '', $self->_get_fields()];

		if (!$opts->{light} and $self->have_extra()) {
			if ($Contenido::Globals::store_method eq 'sqldump') {
				push @$fields, '';
				push @$joins,	' LEFT JOIN '.$self->db_table.'_extra AS extra ON ';
			} elsif ($Contenido::Globals::store_method eq 'toast') {
				push @$fields, '';
	return $fields;

#��� ������ ��� ������� �� �������� 2 �������� ����
sub generate_sql {
	my ($self,%opts)=@_;

	#�������� ������ �������� � �������� � ���
	my $filter_set = $self->apply_filters(\%opts);

	#�������� ����������� $joins ���
	my $fields = $self->get_fields(\%opts, $filter_set->{joins});

	my $query = 'SELECT ';
	$query	.= ' DISTINCT '						if ($opts{distinct} and !$opts{count});
	$query	.= ' '.join(', ', @$fields).' FROM '.$self->db_table.' AS d';
	$query	.= ' '.join(' ', @{$filter_set->{joins}})		if (@{$filter_set->{joins}});
	$query	.= ' WHERE '.join(' AND ', @{$filter_set->{wheres}})	if (@{$filter_set->{wheres}});
	$query	.= ' '.$self->_get_orders(%opts) 			unless ($opts{no_order});
	$query  .= ' ORDER BY order_table.pos '				if ($opts{_sort_join_used}); 
	$query	.= ' '.&SQL::Common::_get_limit (%opts);
	$query	.= ' '.&SQL::Common::_get_offset(%opts);    

	return \$query, [@{$filter_set->{join_binds}}, @{$filter_set->{binds}}];

sub required_properties {
	my $self = shift;
	my $class = ref($self) || $self;

	#���� �� ���� �� ���� �� ������ ��������
	die "$class have no _auto enabled and no required_properties!!!" unless ($class->_auto());

	my $set;
		no strict 'refs';
		SQL::ProtoTable->table_init($class) unless (${$class.'::_init_ok'});
		$set = ${$class.'::_rp'};
	die "$class have wrong internal structure" unless ($set and (ref($set) eq 'ARRAY'));
	return @$set;

sub table_init {
	my $self = shift;
	my $class = shift;

	unless ($class) {
        	my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
        	die "table_init called for empty class from '$package' '$filename' '$line'\n";

	unless ($INC{$class}) {
		eval "use $class";
		die "error on require $class: '$@'" if ($@);
		die "class $class can't db_table" unless ($class->can('db_table') and $class->db_table);
		die "class have no required parent" unless ($class->isa('SQL::ProtoTable'));

		no strict 'refs';
		return 1 unless ($class->_auto());
		return 1 if	(${$class.'::_init_ok'});

	#���� �������� ���� ����������������� ������� ������������
	return $self->auto_init($class);
