Revision 452 (by ahitrov, 2014/11/27 11:59:16) It can be possible to set tab names for project and plugin tabs
	<legend>Отбор по классам</legend>

        <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="tlistdocs">
        <tr bgcolor="#efefef">
        <th align="center" width="1%">N</th>
        <th colspan=2>Название</th>
%	my $serial=0;
%	foreach my $local_class (sort {$a->class_name cmp $b->class_name} @{ $user->get_available_classes }) {
%		$serial++;
%		my $document = new $local_class ($keeper);
%		next unless (ref($document));
%		if ($local_class eq $class) {
<tr bgcolor="green">\
%		} else {
%		}
<td><% $serial %></td>\
<td nowrap><% $document->class_name() %></td>\
<td nowrap align="right"><a href="sections.html?class=<% $document->class() %>&id=<% $id %>&use_section=1">С учетом</a>/<a href="sections.html?class=<% $document->class() %>&id=<% $id %>">Без учета</a>&nbsp;секции</td>\
%	}

	use locale;
	$section => undef
	$class => undef
#	return undef	if (! ref($section));
	my $id=ref($section) ? $section->id() : '';