Revision 452 (by ahitrov, 2014/11/27 11:59:16) It can be possible to set tab names for project and plugin tabs
<& "/contenido/components/title.msn", %ARGS &>
<table width="100%" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="background-color:#445D82;" class="tatop">
<td><b>Редакторский интерфейс\
% if( $style ne 'index' ) {
:&nbsp; <a href="/contenido/">На главную</a>
% }
<td align="right"><b><a href="/" style="text-decoration:none;"><% $pn_name %><span style="background-color:#efefef;color:#000000;margin:2px;"> <% uc($pn_domen) %> </span></a></b></td>
%	my @TABS = ();
%	my @plugins = ($state->project, split(/\s+/, $state->plugins));
%	my %plugins = map { lc($_) => 1 } @plugins;
%	for my $tab_id (keys(%{ $toopi })) {
%		my ($b1, $b2) = $tab_id eq $profile ? ('<b>', '</b>') : ('', '');
%		if ($r->uri() =~ /keywords\.html$/ || ($r->uri =~ /^\/contenido\/(\w+)\//i && exists $plugins{lc($1)} ) ) {
%			($b1, $b2) = ('', '');
%		}
%		next if $tab_id eq 'admin' && !$user->check_group(1);
%		push (@TABS, $b1.'<a href="/contenido/?set_context=profile-'.$tab_id.'">'.$toopi->{$tab_id}->{name}.'</a>'.$b2);
%	}
<% join('&nbsp;|&nbsp', @TABS) %>\
%	for my $plugin ($state->project, split(/\s+/, $state->plugins)) {
%		my $l_plugin = lc($plugin);
%		next if $state->{$l_plugin}->{contenido_notab};
%		my $uri = "$plugin/";
%		my $tab_name;
%		if (exists $state->{$plugin}{tab_name} && $state->{$plugin}{tab_name}) {
%			$tab_name = $state->{$plugin}{tab_name};
%		} elsif ($plugin eq $state->project) {
%			$tab_name = $state->project_name;
%		} else {
%			$tab_name = $plugin;
%		}
%		my ($b1, $b2) = $r->uri =~ /^\/contenido\/(\w+)\//i && lc($1) eq $l_plugin ? ('<b>','</b>') : ('','');
&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="/contenido/<% $uri %>"><% $b1.$tab_name.$b2 %></a>
%	}
<td align="right">
<b>Пользователь:</b> <% $user->name() %> (<% $user->login() %>)

function openWin(wUri, wName, wWidth, wHeight, wScroll, wMenu) {
	var scrollBars = (wScroll!=0) ? 1 : 0;
	var menuBars = (wMenu) ? 1 : 0;
	var positionLeft = (screen.width - wWidth)/2;
	var positionTop = (screen.height - wHeight)/2;
	var myW =,wName,'width='+wWidth+',height='+wHeight+',top='+positionTop+',left='+positionLeft+',location=0,menubar='+menuBars+',resizable=0,scrollbars='+scrollBars+',status=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0,directories=0,hotkeys=0')

	$style => undef
	$title => undef

	my $pn = $state->project_name();
	my ($pn_name, $pn_domen) = split(/\./, $pn);

	my $toopi = $project->tabs();

	my $profile = $m->comp('/contenido/components/context.msn', name => 'profile');
