Revision 429 (by ahitrov, 2014/03/14 20:03:40) Discount can be counted for item groups and individual items
Discount can be based on additional price fields
package webshop::Discount;

use strict;
use warnings 'all';

use Contenido::Globals;
use base "Contenido::Document";
use Data::Dumper;

sub extra_properties
	return (
		{ 'attr' => 'code',				'hidden' => 1, 'column' => undef },
		{ 'attr' => 'class',				'column' => undef },
		{ 'attr' => 'dtime',				'rusname' => 'Начало действия скидки' },
		{ 'attr' => 'etime',				'rusname' => 'Окончание действия скидки' },
		{ 'attr' => 'status',	'type' => 'status',     'rusname' => 'Статус',
			'cases' => [
					[0, 'Скидка не активна'],
					[1, 'Скидка активна'],
		{ 'attr' => 'uid',	'type' => 'status',	'rusname' => 'Доступность для пользователей',
			'cases' => [
					[0, 'Скидка доступна всем пользователям'],
					[1, 'Скидка доступна только зарегистрированным пользователям'],
		{ 'attr' => 'groups',				'rusname' => 'Группы товаров',
				lookup_opts => { class => $state->{webshop}->{item_section_class}, },
				allow_null => 1,
				rem	=> 'Список разделов, на содержимое которых распространяется скидка по купону',
		{ 'attr' => 'min_sum',	'type' => 'string',	'rusname' => 'Порог суммы, с которого действует скидка',
				default => 0, column => 6, shortname => 'Сумма заказа' },
		{ 'attr' => 'field',	'type' => 'string',	'rusname' => 'Название ценовой колонки', shortname => 'Колонка',
				column => 7,
				rem => 'Используется название, отмеченное серым цветом в "name=priceNN"' },
		{ 'attr' => 'discount',	'type' => 'string',	'rusname' => 'Размер скидки (число или процент)', shortname => 'Скидка',
				default => 0, column => 8,
				rem => 'Данное поле будет задействовано, если не указана ценовая колонка', },

sub class_name
	return 'Webshop: скидка';

sub class_description
	return 'Webshop: скидка';

sub class_table
	return 'webshop::SQL::CouponsTable';

sub contenido_status_style
	my $self = shift;
	if ( $self->status == 3 ) {
		return 'color:black;';
	} elsif ( $self->status == 2 ) {
		return 'color:red;';
	} elsif ( $self->status == 4 ) {
		return 'color:olive;';

sub table_links
	return [
#		{ name => 'Купоны', class => 'webshop::Coupon', filter => 'pid', field => 'pid' },

sub get_discount
    my $self = shift;

    my (%opts) = @_;
    return 0	unless exists $opts{basket} || exists $opts{uid} && $opts{uid} || exists $opts{session} && $opts{session};
    return 0	unless $self->discount;

    my $basket = delete $opts{basket};
    $basket = $keeper->{webshop}->get_basket ( %opts )		unless $basket;
    return 0	unless ref $basket eq 'ARRAY' && @$basket;

    my @basket = grep { exists $_->{item} && $_->{item} } @$basket;
    return 0	unless @basket;

    my ($number, $sum_total) = (0, 0);
    map { $number += $_->number; $sum_total += $_->number * $_->{item}->price } @basket;
    warn "BASKET: $number Items of $sum_total Value\n";

    my %item_props = map { $_->{attr} => $_ } $basket[0]->{item}->structure;
    if ( exists $item_props{special_price} ) {
	@basket = grep { !$_->{item}->special_price } @basket;
	return 0	unless @basket;

    my $discount_counted = 0;
    my $items;
    if ( $self->groups ) {
	$items = $self->keeper->get_documents (
			s	=> [$self->groups],
			class	=> $state->{webshop}->{item_document_class},
			ids	=> 1,
			return_mode	=> 'array_ref',
	return 0	unless ref $items eq 'ARRAY' && @$items;
    } else {
	$items = $self->keeper->get_documents (
			class	=> $state->{webshop}->{item_document_class},
			lclass	=> 'webshop::DiscountItemLink',
			lsource	=> $self->id,
			ids	=> 1,
			return_mode	=> 'array_ref',

    if ( ref $items eq 'ARRAY' && @$items ) {
	my %items = map { $_ => 1 } @$items;
	@basket = grep { exists $items{$_->item_id} } @basket;
	return 0	unless @basket;
    if ( $self->field ) {
	foreach my $bi ( @basket ) {
		next	if exists $bi->{item}{special_price} && $bi->{item}->special_price;
		$discount_counted += $self->count_item_discount( $bi->{item} ) * $bi->number;
    } else {
	my $found_sum = 0;
	foreach my $bi ( @$basket ) {
		$found_sum += $bi->number * $bi->{item}->price;
	warn "Sum found: [$found_sum]\n"						if $DEBUG;
	$discount_counted = $self->count_sum_discount( $found_sum );
    return $discount_counted;

sub count_item_discount {
    my $self = shift;
    my $item = shift;
    return 0	unless $item;
    return 0	if exists $item->{special_price} && $item->special_price;

    my $count = 0;
    my $item_field = $self->field;
    $item_field =~ s/\s//sg;
    if ( $item_field && $item->$item_field && $item->price > $item->$item_field ) {
	$count = $item->price - $item->$item_field;
    } elsif ( $self->discount ) {
	my $value = $self->discount;
	$value =~ s/\s//sg;
	if ( $value =~ /([\d\.]+)%/ ) {
		my $proc = $1;
		$count = $item->price / 100 * $proc;
    return $count;

sub count_sum_discount
    my $self = shift;
    my $sum = shift;
    return 0	unless $sum;

    my $discount = $self->discount;
    my $count = 0;
    if ( $discount =~ /([\d\.]+)%/ ) {
	my $proc = $1;
	return 0	unless $proc;
	$count = $sum / 100 * $proc;
    } else {
	$count = $discount;
    $count = 0		if $sum <= $count;
    return $count;

sub pre_store
	my $self = shift;

	my $default_section = $project->s_alias->{webshop_discounts}	if ref $project->s_alias eq 'HASH';
	if ( $default_section && !$self->sections ) {

	return 1;

sub post_delete
    my $self = shift;

    my $sql = $self->keeper->SQL->prepare('DELETE FROM webshop_coupon_links where source_id = ?');
    $sql->execute( $self->id );

